An appointing authority’s CSD policy may assign different employees a different number of hours of CSD time based on job classification, funding source and hourly rate of pay, provided, however, that:
(Ord. 2009-379. Adopted 10-5-09.)
(a) The number of CSD hours for any employee shall not exceed thirty-two (32) in calendar year2009, or one hundred twenty (120) hours for employees with an hourly salary of $19.23 or less and one hundred sixty (160) hours for employees with an hourly salary of $19.24 or more during calendar year 2010;
(Ord. 2009-380. Adopted 11-2-09.)
(Ord. 2009-380. Adopted 11-2-09.)
(b) Within an appointing authority’s jurisdiction, bargaining unit employees of a certain fund cannot be assigned more CSD hours than non-bargaining employees of the same fund;
(c) Within an appointing authority’s jurisdiction, lower paid employees, based on current hourly rate of pay, of a certain fund cannot be assigned more CSD hours than higher paid employees of the same fund.
(Ord. 2009-379. Adopted 10-5-09.)