Each County appointing authority, office, agency, board and commission (“collectively “appointing authority”) may implement a mandatory Cost Savings Day (“CSD”) policy for its employees, consistent with the terms of this Chapter. Unless specified or limited herein, each appointing authority shall have the discretion and flexibility to design and implement the terms of its CSD policy.
   Any CSD policy adopted pursuant to this Chapter that affects members of a bargaining unit must be agreed to by the bargaining unit pursuant to a bargaining agreement or memorandum of understanding with the appointing authority and County.
   In addition to the mandatory CSD plan set forth herein, an appointing authority may permit its employees to participate in any voluntary CSD policy adopted by that appointing authority, provided, however, that to maintain their full-time status (and the associated benefits), the voluntary CSD policy shall limit the number of voluntary CSD hours that can be used by an employee during the time in which he or she is participating in the Voluntary CSD policy to no more than four hours times the number of weeks in which the employee participates.
(Ord. 2009-379. Adopted 10-5-09.)