Department of Community and Economic Development
142.01   Creation and reorganization.
142.02   Fund created.
Economic Development Office - see Ohio R.C. 307.07 IRB issuance fee - see ADM. 113.06
Map fees - see ADM. 113.12
Community Development Block Grant - see ADM. Ch. 147
   Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 307.07, there is hereby created an Office of Economic Development, which shall be known as the Department of Community and Economic Development, under the direction of the County Executive. Effective November 1, 2012, and subject to further reorganization by the County Executive, the Department of Community and Economic Development shall consist of the Division of Development, the Division of Building Standards and the Division of Planning and Geographic Information Systems.
(Res. 90-701. Approved 10-3-90; Ord. 2012-398. Adopted 10-22-12.)
   EDITOR'S NOTE: The Economic Development Office was reorganized effective July 1, 1994 by executive and administrative action of the County Executive into the Community and Economic Development Department to consist of the Division of Economic Development and the Division of Community Development. The reorganization was reaffirmed by the Summit County Prosecutor in Opinion Number 94-144 of August 16, 1994, which stated that the initial creation of departments and divisions not provided for in the Charter was a legislative function of the County Council and reorganization such as this was executive and administrative in character under the jurisdiction of the County Executive, and that such was not a violation of Charter Section 3.03(2).
   (a)   The County Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to establish a new fund under the Department of Community and Economic Development. This fund is hereby to be administered by the Director of the Department of Community and Economic Development pursuant to all laws, rules and regulations established for funds established in the County's Codified Ordinances and/or by general law.
   (b)   The Clerk of Council is hereby directed to forward a copy of this section to the County Fiscal Officer at the earliest time possible after adoption.
(Res. 94-169. Approved 3-24-94.)