Fees in the following amounts shall be charged by the Engineer and the Department of Community and Economic Development, Division of Planning and Geographic Information System, for the services set forth below and shall be made payable to the County of Summit when the service is performed:
Service | Fee |
8½" x 11" | Black and White: $0.10 Color: $0.50 |
11" x 17" | Black and White: $0.50 Color: $1.00 |
18" x 24" | Black and White: $3.00 Color: $4.00 |
2' x 3' | Black and White: $5.00 Color: $6.00 |
3' x 3' | Black and White: $7.00 Color: $8.00 |
3' x 4' | Black and White: $8.00 Color: $10.00 |
Digital (CD) | $2.00 |
Custom Map Design | $45.00 per hour. Requests will be filled as workload permits. Minimum turnaround time for order is five working days. |
Postage | At cost |
(Ord. 2009-130. Adopted 5-11-09; Ord. 2012-398. Adopted 10-22-12.)