755.01 Applicability.
755.02 Definitions.
755.03 License application; requirements.
755.04 License fees; transfer and display; disposition of fees.
755.05 License revocation; hearing procedure.
755.06 Location.
755.07 Hours of operation.
755.08 Miscellaneous operating requirements.
755.09 Severability.
755.99 Penalties.
This Chapter shall be applicable only to townships located in the County of Summit, Ohio. This Chapter shall apply to the operation of entertainment devices that are lawfully operated pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code and does not legalize or license any operation of a device that is unlawful to operate pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code. This Chapter shall apply immediately to all entertainment device arcades that commence operations after the date of the enactment of this Chapter. All entertainment device arcades in operation at the time of enactment of this Chapter shall come into compliance with all Sections of this Chapter no later than thirty (30) days after enactment of this Chapter, unless otherwise stated herein.
(Ord. 2010-160. Adopted 5-10-10.)