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   (A)   Standards.
      (1)    Each off-street parking space shall be an area of not less than 171 square feet, exclusive of access or maneuvering area, ramps, and other appurtenances as per the following standards.
Required Minimum Off-street Parking Dimensions
Parking Angle (Degrees)
Stall Length (Feet)
Stall Width (Feet)
Aisle Width, One-Way (Feet)
Aisle Width, Two-Way (Feet)
0 (parallel)
      (2)   Off-street parking facilities shall be located on the site on which the use or structure for which they are provided is located except as otherwise permitted under a special plan for location or sharing of facilities.
   (B)   Maintenance. Off-street parking facilities shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the following specifications.
      (1)   Drainage and surfacing. They shall be properly graded for drainage, surfaced with concrete or asphalt, and maintained in good condition, free of weeds, dust, trash, and debris.
      (2)   Protective barriers. They shall be provided with barriers of such dimensions those occupants of adjacent structures are not unreasonably disturbed, either by day or night, by the movement of vehicles.
      (3)   Outdoor lighting. When provided, outdoor light shall comply with §§ 155.195 through 155.204.
      (4)   Entrances and exits. They shall be provided with designated entrances and exits so located as to minimize traffic congestion.
      (5)   Prohibition of other uses. They shall not be used for the sale, storage, repair, or dismantling of any vehicles, equipment, materials, or supplies.
      (6)   Permanent barrier.
         (a)   In the event they are designed such that the facility abuts a public sidewalk and vehicle parking is diagonal or perpendicular to the sidewalk, a permanent barrier shall be installed three feet from the interior edge of the sidewalk to prevent vehicle encroachment over the sidewalk.
         (b)   If the facility abuts and faces a street and there is no sidewalk, permanent barriers shall be installed seven feet from the curb to provide for a pedestrian way and to prevent vehicle encroachment.
      (7)   Compliance. All parking facilities shall comply with § 155.182.
      (8)   Parking space design. In residential districts, parking spaces accessed by local roads and required by this chapter shall be located and designed with a minimum of 23 feet or sufficient depth from the back of the sidewalk so that there will be no vehicle encroachment over the public sidewalk.
      (9)   Access. If a parking facility accesses a collector street, major arterial, or minor arterial as designated by the major street plan map that functionally classifies streets in the city, or, if by reasons of topography as determined by the Planning and Zoning Board, the facility shall have a controlled access with a designated entrance and exit, and sufficient maneuvering space on the interior of the lot to preclude the necessity of vehicles backing onto the street.
   (C)   Minimum amounts of off-street parking facilities required. The following minimum amounts of off-street parking facilities shall be provided. The classification of uses shall be deemed to include and apply to all uses, and if the classification is not readily determinable, it shall be fixed by the Zoning Administrator.
Table of Parking Spaces Required*
(SFGFA: Square Feet Gross Floor Area)**
Land Use Building Type
Parking Spaces Required
Table of Parking Spaces Required*
(SFGFA: Square Feet Gross Floor Area)**
Land Use Building Type
Parking Spaces Required
Dwellings, One-Family and Two-Family
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwellings, Multi-Family
2.25 spaces per dwelling unit
Group Care Homes/Assisted Living and Congregate Care Facilities
0.50 per bedroom or suite
Hotels, Motels, Rooming Houses, Bed and Breakfast Establishments
1 space per guest room
Manufactured Home Parks
2 spaces per manufactured home
Nursing, Long-term Care Facilities
1 space per 4 beds
Theaters, Auditoriums, Gymnasiums
1 space per 3 seats or 18 inches of linear bench
Convention Facilities, Assembly or Banquet Hall
1 space per 15 square feet of assembly area
Place of Worship
1 space per 4 seats or 24 inches of linear bench
Funeral Homes
One space per 600 SFGFA
Schools, Elementary
2 spaces per classroom
Schools, Secondary
10 spaces per classroom
Restaurants, On-sale Liquor Establishments
1 space per 100 SFGFA plus 5 per drive-through lanes
Private & Public Utility Substations
No parking requirements except that all areas of ingress/egress and loading/unloading/storage shall be hard surfaced
Commercial Storage or Mini Storage Units
30 feet of circulation aisle width immediately adjacent to area of building(s)
Medical Clinic/Office
1 per 250 SFGFA
Industrial and Manufacturing Establishments
1 space per 400 SFGFA
1 parking space per 1,000 SFGFA
Offices, Commercial and Personal Service Establishments
1 space per 200
Retail Trade
1 space per 300 SFGFA
Drive-up Windows
3 per drive through lane***
Sports & Recreation Facilities
Bowling Alley
4 spaces per lane
Golf Course
6 spaces per hole
36 spaces per field
Tennis Court
4 spaces per court
Miniature Golf
2 per hole
Recreation Center/Swimming Pool/Water Park
1 per 250 SFGFA
Roller/Ice Skating Rink
1 per 250 SFGFA
Sports Club/Health Spa
1 per 250 SFGFA
Fire /Ambulance Facilities
4 spaces per bay
New & Used Vehicle and Equipment Sales
1 per 600 SFGFA**** and all areas used for storage and display shall be paved
Auto Repair, Auto Towing, Body Repair and Painting
1 per 250 SFGFA*****
Day Care Center
1 per full-time equivalent staff plus 0.1 per child licensed
Furniture, appliance or home improvement products (i.e., carpet, paint, wallpaper, and the like)
1 per 600 SFGFA
Hardware Store/Home Center/Lumberyard
1 per 600 SFGFA
2 per bed
Shopping Center/Strip Center - Buildings designed for 3 or more tenants
1 per 200 SFGFA******
All non-residential buildings, except those specified above
1 per 300 SFGFA
*Numbers include spaces required for employee and staff parking.
**Square footage shall be the total square footage of the combined usable floors as measured by outside building dimensions.
***Stacking in drive-through lanes shall count as 1 space per 23 linear feet of striped stacking lane.
****Parking spaces used for customer and employee parking exclusive of automobile display area.
*****Automotive repair business indoor and outdoor vehicle storage or repair areas that are not accessible to the public are exempt from the aisle width and access requirements of this chapter. Proposed vehicle storage or repair areas must be designated on the site plan and building floor plan and shall be completely screened from the public.
******No more than 1/3 of the units shall be a On-Sale Liquor Establishment or Restaurant. If more than 1/3 of the units are either a On-Sale Liquor Establishment or Restaurant, parking shall be each individual use.
   (D)   Combined facilities. The off-street parking facilities required of two or more uses located on the same building site or an immediate proximity may be combined and used jointly, provided that the facilities shall provide the sum total of the facilities required.
   (E)   Maximum amounts of off-street parking facilities. For commercial uses, excluding new and used vehicle sales, minimum amounts of off-street parking facilities may be exceeded by only 20%. Parking in excess of this maximum may be approved by the Board of Commissioners upon justification of need.
   (F)   Special plan for location or sharing of facilities. Off-street parking facilities may be located on another site or shared under the following procedure:
      (1)   Application for approval of special plan. An application for approval of a special plan shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Board by the owner(s) of the entire land area to be included within the special plan. It shall include the owner(s) of all structures existing on the land and all encumbrances of the land and structures. The application shall contain such information required by this chapter or deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator and shall include plans showing the location of the uses or structures for which off-street parking facilities are required and the location of the proposed off-street parking.
      (2)   Review of application. Applications shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board and either approved or disapproved by the Board of Commissioners within 90 days of the date of the receipt of the application, except that the applicant may request a continuance.
      (3)   Recording of special plan. A copy of the plan shall be recorded as a restrictive covenant against the property.
      (4)   Amendment or withdrawal of special plan. A plan may only be amended or withdrawn pursuant to the same procedure as for approval.
   (G)   Parking for persons with disabilities. It is the responsibility of the owner to follow all provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq. The following are basic requirements for accessible spaces and are not a complete reiteration of the Americans With Disabilities Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.
      (1)   (a)   The following number of off-street parking spaces, based on the total required parking, are to be reserved for exclusive use by persons with disabilities. One in every eight accessible spaces, but always at least one space, must be van-accessible. Parking spaces for persons with disabilities may be counted toward the total number of parking spaces required for the use.
Required Number of Accessible Spaces
Total Parking in Lot
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
Required Number of Accessible Spaces
Total Parking in Lot
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total spaces
1,001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
         (b)   1.   The required number of accessible spaces for out-patient medical facilities shall be 10% of the total number of parking spaces.
            2.   The required number of accessible spaces for facilities that specialize in treatment or services for persons with mobility impairments shall be 20% of the total number of parking spaces.
      (2)   Accessible parking spaces must be a minimum of 96 inches in width. Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance. Two accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle. Access aisles adjacent to accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 60 inches in width. Van-accessible spaces shall be a minimum of 96 inches wide and shall be served by an access aisle a minimum of 96 inches wide. All accessible parking spaces shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length.
      (3)   An alternative to the provision of separate van-accessible spaces is the provision of universal parking. Universal parking spaces shall be 132 inches wide with a 60-inch wide access aisle.
   (H)   Design. Parking lots shall be designed and paved in conformity to the above standards unless otherwise first approved by the Board of Commissioners during the review of the preliminary plat application. If the Board of Commissioners allows a gravel parking lot, the following minimum standards shall be met.
      (1)   The parking lot site shall be graded to remove vegetation and to create a subbase with a minimum slope of at least 1% to provide for adequate site drainage.
      (2)   The subbase shall be compacted.
      (3)   A minimum of six inches of gravel (three-quarters of an inch) shall be applied over the subbase and compacted.
      (4)   Periodic maintenance of the gravel parking lot shall be required.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.28.020; Ord. passed 2-16-2017)
   (A)   In all districts, and on the same premises with every structure involving the receipt or distribution of vehicles or materials or merchandise, there shall be provided adequate space for standing, loading and unloading in order to avoid undue interference with public use of the streets or alleys.
   (B)   Off-street loading and unloading spaces shall be provided as follows.
      (1)   One off-street loading and unloading space shall be provided for buildings up to and including 20,000 square feet of floor area, plus one additional off-street loading and unloading space for each additional 20,000 square feet of floor area up to and including 100,000 square feet.
      (2)   There shall be provided an additional off-street loading and unloading space for each additional 40,000 square feet of floor area in excess of over 100,000 square feet.
      (3)   Where trailer trucks are involved, such loading and unloading space shall be designed with appropriate means of truck access to a street or alley as well as adequate maneuvering area.
      (4)   All areas devoted to permanent off-street loading and unloading as required under this section shall be of asphalt or concrete construction.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.28.030)
   (A)   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition applies unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle that is equipped for sleeping is considered a recreational vehicle, including, but not limited to, any motor home, travel trailer, fifth-wheel trailer, camper not mounted on a truck, or any other vehicle or object which the officer deems to be a large RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. This includes, but is not limited to, boats, snowmobiles, or jet skis (or trailers to carry them). It also includes, but is not limited to, small utility trailers, camper van conversions, tent trailers, or campers mounted in trucks.
   (B)   Commercial vehicles may be parked on the driveway of a residence provided that the vehicle is parked five feet back from the interior edge of the sidewalk or the curb if there is no sidewalk, and must follow § 155.256(B)(1) for parking surface. Commercial vehicles loaded with live animals or any hazardous material as defined by U.S. Department of Transportation regulations will not be permitted.
   (C)   Trailers or recreational vehicles on roadways or on public places cannot be occupied on a regular basis with respect to using them as a temporary dwelling.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.28.040; Ord TSO 2011-01, passed 6-16-2011) Penalty, see § 155.999
§ 155.270 AUTHORITY.
   The city’s authority to regulate signs, billboards, and other advertising structures is specified in SDCL Ch. 31-29.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.30.010)
§ 155.271 INTENT.
   The purpose of this subchapter shall be to establish effective local regulation of outdoor advertising so as to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of those persons using and residing adjacent to public rights-of-way. The following regulations are intended to promote and preserve the natural aesthetics of the city while providing for the convenience of the traveling public, for the promotion of locally available facilities, goods, and services, and to minimize negative impacts on property adjacent to public rights-of-way. It is, therefore, the intent of these regulations to achieve the following:
   (A)   Safety. To promote the safety of persons and property by requiring that signs:
      (1)   Do not create a hazard due to collapse, fire, collision, decay or abandonment; and
      (2)   Do not create traffic hazards by distracting or confusing motorists, impairing a driver’s ability to see pedestrians, obstacles, or other vehicles or to see and interpret any official traffic sign, signal, or device.
   (B)   Communication. To promote the efficient transfer of information by providing that:
      (1)   Business and services may identify themselves;
      (2)   Customers and other persons may locate a business or service; and
      (3)   No business, service, person or group is arbitrarily denied the use of sight lines on a public right-of-way for communication purposes.
   (C)   Preservation of the natural landscape. To protect the public welfare and to maintain and enhance the appearance and economic value of the landscape by providing that signs:
      (1)   Do not create a nuisance to persons using the public right-of-way;
      (2)   Do not constitute a nuisance to the occupancy or use of adjacent property as a result of their size, height, brightness, or movement; and
      (3)   Are constructed and installed in a manner which is in harmony with buildings, neighborhoods, or other signs in the area.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.30.020)
   (A)   In any zoning district where signs are allowed, a sign permit shall be required unless otherwise stated.
   (B)   In addition to all applicable state and federal regulations, any sign erected within the city shall be required to conform to the following regulations:
      (1)   To require a permit for certain types of signs subject to the standards and procedures of this section;
      (2)   To allow certain signs that are small, unobtrusive, and incidental to the principal use of the parcel on which they are located, subject to the requirements of this chapter but without a requirement for a permit;
      (3)   To provide for temporary signs in limited circumstances; and
      (4)   To prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this chapter.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.30.030)
§ 155.273 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED SIGN. A sign or sign structure that is blank, obliterated, or displays obsolete advertising material for a period in excess of 90 days. The 90-day period for determining if a sign is ABANDONED commences upon notification of violation to the offender.
   BACK-TO-BACK SIGN. An off-premises or on-premises sign consisting of two sign facings oriented in the opposite direction with not more than one face per side.
   BANNER SIGN. An on-premises sign which is composed of lightweight material, either enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame, secured or mounted so as to allow movement of the sign caused by movement of the atmosphere. For the purpose of this subchapter, a BANNER SIGN can only be used as a wall sign.
   DIRECTIONAL SIGN. A sign erected for the convenience of the public, such as directing traffic movement, parking, or identifying restrooms, public telephones, walkways and other similar features, or facilities and bearing no advertising in the message.
   DOUBLE-FACED SIGN. An off-premises or on-premises sign with two adjacent faces oriented in the same direction and not more than ten feet apart at the nearest point between the two faces.
   FREESTANDING SIGN. A sign on a frame, pole, or other support structure not attached to any building.
   HIGHWAY. Every way or place of whatever nature open to the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular travel, is a HIGHWAY. The term HIGHWAY shall also include private access easements and roadways.
   OFF-PREMISES SIGN. A sign/billboard that advertises goods or services not available at the location of the billboard or advertising sign.
   ON-PREMISES SIGN. A sign identifying an establishment’s activities, products, or services conducted or available on the property upon which it is located and signs advertising the sale or lease of the property upon which they are located.
    SIGNS. Any sign defined in this subchapter which displays or conveys any identification, description, illustration, or device illuminated or non-illuminated, which directs attention to a product, service, business activity, institution, business, or solicitation, including any permanently installed or situated merchandise, or any emblem, painting, banner, pennant, or placard designed to advertise, identify, or convey information, with the exception of window displays.
   SIGN AREA. The entire area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the actual sign surface, but excluding any structural or supporting elements such as upright, aprons, poles, beams, or standards. In the case of lettering on an awning or other undefined structure or space, a perimeter shall be determined by adding two inches around the whole of the lettering, using unbroken parallel lines. Logos shall not be included in square footage, but must be subordinate to the sign. A logo that consists only of words with or without a symbol shall be included in the sign square footage. Logos attached to walls shall not exceed 20 square feet.
   SIGN FACING. The portion of a sign structure upon which advertising is affixed or painted and visible in one direction at one time.
   SIGN STRUCTURE. The sign face and support members that are permanently affixed to the ground or attached to a structure. SIGN STRUCTURE does not include the sign frame.
   SIGN TYPES. Sign types are canopy, ground/pole, projecting wall, roof, wall, and wall/roof. SIGN TYPE pertains to the location of a sign on a property or structure, and the method of support or attachment.
      (1)   CANOPY SIGN. This includes awnings and marquees. An overhead covering projecting from and attached to a building, and the attachments thereto.
      (2)   GROUND/POLE SIGN. A sign that is structurally self-supporting and not attached to any other structure.
      (3)   PROJECTION WALL SIGN. A sign attached to and supported by a building, projecting more than 12 inches from the wall to which it is attached. A PROJECTING WALL SIGN shall not extend above the roof line.
      (4)   ROOF SIGN. A sign attached to roof of a building.
      (5)   WALL SIGN. A sign affixed to an exterior wall of a building and which projects 12 or fewer inches from the wall.
      (6)   WALL/ROOF SIGN. A projecting wall sign which projects above the roof line of a building and which is wholly supported by the building.
   SIGN USE. This refers to the way in which a sign is used based on the function of the sign and/or its relationship to the property on which it is located.
      (1)   AREA IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign erected to identify a group of five or more commercial or industrial activities located either within a single structure by identifying the structure or the area. The structure or area must be identifiable as a unit through common ownership or management of the building, utilities, and/or common facilities (i.e., parking, open space, mall, and the like).
      (2)   BUSINESS SIGN. An on-premises sign or signs used to identify a commercial or industrial activity.
      (3)   CONSTRUCTION SIGN. A temporary sign erected to identify the contractors, designers, and/or financial institutions involved in a major construction project.
      (4)   HOME OCCUPATION SIGN. A sign erected to identify a home occupation.
      (5)   INSTITUTIONAL SIGN. A sign erected to identify an institutional activity.
      (6)   RESIDENTIAL IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign that is showing the address and/or name of the occupant(s) of a residential building.
      (7)   RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SIGN. A sign identifying an unique development or apartment complex being actively developed as evidenced by buildings under construction or constructed and/or streets opened.
   SPECIALTY SIGNS. Specialty signs possess unique characteristics that require special treatment or control. The following are included in the kinds of specialty signs.
      (1)   PAINTED WALL SIGN. An on-premises sign painted directly upon a wall or similar structure.
      (2)   PARASITIC SIGN. A sign affixed to a permanent supporting structure that is in addition to signs specifically designed for said supporting structure.
      (3)   TEMPORARY/PORTABLE SIGN. A sign not affixed to a permanent supporting structure but which is designed to be moved from location to location.
      (4)   MURAL. A pictorial representation not identifying goods or services offered by a business.
         (a)   A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face of the surface of the sign.
         (b)   A sign on which the message changes more than eight times per day shall be considered an animated sign and not a changeable copy sign for purposes of this subchapter.
         (c)   A sign on which the only copy that changes is an electronic or mechanical indication of time or temperature shall be considered a “time and temperature” portion of a sign and not a changeable copy sign for purposes of this subchapter.
      (6)   ANIMATED SIGN. Any sign that uses movement, electric message, or change of lighting, either natural or artificial, to depict action or create a special effect or scene.
      (7)   PENNANT/BANNER SIGN. Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, attached to a pole or lighting standard, usually in series, that promotes the community or a community event.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.30.040)