(A)   Form and procedures. Only the Mayor, a Council member or a Council committee may introduce a proposed ordinance. Every proposed town ordinance shall be introduced in writing and in the form required for final adoption. (See § 31.33). All ordinances shall be read three times on at least two separate days with at least six days between two of the readings. All ordinances may be read by title only.
   (B)   First reading. The first reading of a town ordinance shall be for information purposes. Discussions and motions to amend at first reading are permissible if requested by at least two Council members present. Upon an affirmative vote by the majority of Council present and duly assembled, the ordinance shall be read.
   (C)   Second reading. The second reading of an ordinance shall be at a subsequent meeting of the Council, and shall be for the purpose of passing the same to have the full force of the law. Discussions and motions to amend are permissible at this time and shall be made prior to second reading. Upon an affirmative vote of a majority of Council present and duly assembled, the ordinance shall be read.
   (D)   Third reading. The third reading of an ordinance shall be held at the next meeting of the Council, unless the Council present unanimously votes to have the third reading immediately following the second reading. Discussions and motions to amend are permissible prior to the third reading if requested by at least two Council members present. Upon an affirmative vote for third reading by the majority of Council present and duly assembled, the ordinance shall be read for the purpose of passing the same to have the full force of the law.
   (E)   Ratification. After an ordinance shall have received its third reading, it shall be signed by the Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem or the presiding officer and attested to by the Clerk or in his or her absence, the Town Administrator, affixed with the seal of the municipality of the town, and placed in the town's code of ordinances by the Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 2-27) (Ord. passed 10-16-2012; Ord. 2015-11, passed 1-19-2016)