(A)   Every proposed ordinance shall include:
      (1)   A title briefly and accurately describing its content;
      (2)   The enacting clause, which shall begin with the words: “Be it ordained by the Town Council of Sullivan’s Island”;
      (3)   The provisions of the ordinance, including section numbers if it is to be codified as a new section, or if it is to amend, replace or repeal an existing section of the code;
      (4)   The effective date of the proposed ordinance;
      (5)   Spaces for inspection of the dates of adoption and ratification, the signature of the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore, if he or she is presiding, and attestation by the Town Clerk; and
      (6)   Space for insertion of the ordinance number. The number shall be inserted by the Clerk at the time of ratification and shall be the year of ratification followed by a slash and the arithmetic sequence of ordinances ratified that year; in other words, the sixth ordinance ratified in 1979 shall be numbered 1979-6.
   (B)   If desired by the author or considered advisable for legal reasons, an ordinance may also contain a preamble setting forth the findings of fact or reasons or the basis on which the ordinance is proposed.
(Prior Code, § 2-28)