5-5-1: Definitions
5-5-2: Responsibilities Of Alarm Coordinator
5-5-3: Alarm User Registration Fee; Applications
5-5-4: Issuance Of Registration
5-5-5: Updating Alarm User Or Agency Registration
5-5-6: Deactivation Requirements
5-5-7: Automatic Telephone Alarm Requirements
5-5-8: Tests
5-5-9: False Alarms
5-5-10: Revocation; Hearing; Revoked User's Registration
5-5-11: Authority Of Village Board
5-5-12: Grace Period For False Alarms
5-5-13: Time For Compliance
5-5-14: Penalty
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
ALARM COORDINATOR: The police department crime prevention officer or any other person designated by the chief of police.
ALARM SYSTEM: Any assembly of equipment, mechanical or electrical, arranged to signal the occurrence of any illegal or other entry or other activity requiring urgent attention and to which police are expected to respond. Consideration shall be made by the alarm coordinator in making the determination as to who would reasonably be expected to respond to an alarm signal and the nuisance value of the alerting device. Individual devices such as smoke detectors which emit audible or visual signals and which are primarily designed to alert occupants of a premises of an impending fire or medical emergency shall not be considered as an alarm system nor be subject to the restrictions set forth herein.
ALARM USER: The person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind in control of the premises or property where an alarm system is maintained.
AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE ALARM: A telephone device or attachment which automatically relays a prerecorded message to report a robbery, burglary, fire or other emergency by means of a telephone line.
FALSE ALARM: Any alarm system emitting a signal prompting a response by the police that was activated other than for an emergency situation or an unlawful act.
Severe weather, electrical outages, transmission line malfunctions, acts of God, malicious acts of persons not under the control of the alarm user or any other cause clearly beyond the control of the alarm user may be considered in determining if an alarm was false and whether or not any fee, fine, warning or punitive action should be directed to the alarm user as provided by this chapter.
PRIVATE ALARM MONITOR AGENCY (MONITORING SERVICE): Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or organization which contracts with an alarm user to receive and initiate action on alarm systems signals. (Ord. 608, 11-21-1994)
The alarm coordinator shall have responsibility and authority for enforcing provisions of this chapter with respect to intrusion, holdup or other types of alarm systems not heretofore described. (Ord. 608, 11-21-1994)
   A.   Registration; Fee:
      1.   Registration Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to lease or own an alarm system or be in control of any premises wherein an alarm system is operated or maintained without first having obtained an alarm user registration from the Village.
      2.   Exception: No registration shall be required for alarm systems contained in or on vehicles.
      3.   Fee: The fee for an alarm user registration shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each such alarm system registered.
   B.   Application: An application for an alarm user registration shall be filed with the Village Police Department within seventy two (72) hours of installation of said alarm system and shall contain the following information:
      1.   Applicant: Name and address of the applicant.
      2.   Premises: Name and address of the premises where the alarm system is located.
      3.   Description Of System: General description of the alarm system which classifies it as burglary, safe, holdup or other and the presence of silent alarms and any audible or visual alerting signals on the premises. Any alarm system classified as other shall include a brief description as to category type.
      4.   Monitoring Service: Any alarm system designed to transmit a signal to a monitoring service or central answering station shall include the name and telephone number of the said service.
      5.   Deactivation Of System: A statement listing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three (3) persons responsible for the premises where the alarm system is located and who should be contacted to deactivate the alarm system and respond to the premises.
      6.   Maintenance Of System: The name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for any maintenance or repair of the alarm system. (Ord. 608, 11-21-1994)