(a)   Multi-Family, Public Facilities, Business Districts, Office, Research Development, Commercial Service, General Industrial, General Industrial-A Site Plans and Development Plans.  
   The Secretary to the Planning Commission shall submit directly to the Architectural Review Board any application along with accompanying drawings, renderings, data and material samples to be used which the Secretary receives for a Site Plan or Development Plan; including, but not limited to, new developments or site plan revisions, alterations, or additions of any type to developments or site plans for Multi-Family, Public Facilities, Business District, Office, Research Development, Commercial Service, General Industrial, or General Industrial-A developments for the Architectural Review Board’s review, report and recommendation.
   The Board shall, within thirty days from the date of receiving such application, provide and furnish to the Planning Commission its report and recommendation.
   Within thirty days after an application containing all required information has been filed with the Secretary or such longer time as agreed upon by the developer and the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall evaluate the development proposal and report of the Board and shall make a finding either that the proposal complies or does not comply with regulations, standards, and criteria prescribed by this Zoning Code applicable to the proposal and shall approve, disapprove or modify such proposal.
   (b)   Small Public Utility Sites. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, an application for a permit for a building or structure which is utilized for public utility purposes and occupies ground coverage of less than 130 square feet shall not be transmitted to the Architectural Review Board for review; and in such circumstance, the color and material of the building or structure and landscaping or screening, if required, will be reviewed directly by the Planning Commission after receiving the report and recommendations of the Coordinator of City Natural Resources.
(Ord. 2009-014. Passed 4-20-09.)