The adoption of this Charter shall not affect any pre-existing rights of the Municipality, nor any right or liability or pending suit or prosecution either on behalf of or against the Municipality, nor any franchise granted by the Municipality nor pending proceedings for the authorization of public improvements or the levy of assessments therefor. Except as a contrary intent appears herein, all acts of the Council of this Municipality shall continue in effect until lawfully amended or repealed.
The Article and section headings herein have been inserted for convenient reference and are not intended to define or limit the scope of, or otherwise affect, any provision of this Charter. Masculine pronouns used in this Charter shall be construed to include the feminine pronoun, and the singular number shall be construed to include the plural number whenever the context shall require.
(Amended 11-2-04)
(Amended 11-2-04)
The Council may by ordinance grant a nonexclusive franchise to any person, firm or corporation to construct or operate a public utility on, across, under, over or above any public street or real estate within the Municipality for a period not in excess of twenty-five (25) years; and it may prescribe in the ordinance the kind or quality of service or product to be furnished, the rate or rates to be charged therefor, and such other terms as Council shall deem conducive to the public interest. Such franchise may be amended or renewed in the manner and subject to the provisions established by this Charter for original grants. No consent of the owner of property abutting on any public street or real estate shall be necessary to the effectiveness of any such grant, amendment or renewal.
All such grants, amendments and renewals shall be made subject to the continuing right of the Council to provide reasonable regulations for the operation of such utilities with reference to such streets and public real estate, including the right to require such reconstruction, relocation, alteration or removal of structures and equipment used in such streets or public realty as shall, in the opinion of Council be necessary in the public interest.
(a) Continuance of Officers. All persons who are appointees, employees or non-elected officials of the Municipality at the time this Charter takes effect shall continue in office and in the performance of their duties until provisions shall have been made otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. When such provisions shall have been made, the term of any such appointee, employee or non-elected official shall expire.
(b) Abolish Duties. The powers which are conferred, and the duties which are imposed upon any appointee, employee or non-elected official, commission, board, department, or division of the Municipality under the laws of the State, shall, if such office, department, or division be abolished by this Charter, be thereafter exercised and discharged by the officer, board, department or division upon whom are imposed corresponding functions, powers and duties hereunder.
Every elected official or officer of the Municipality shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath, or affirm, that he will in all respects faithfully discharge the duties of his office, that he will profess loyalty to the Constitution of the United States of America, to the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and that he will uphold this Charter and all of the laws of this Municipality.