Development plans of proposed public buildings and land improvements shall be submitted, along with maps, surveys and other required information, to the Planning Commission for review and a public hearing may be held thereon. Criteria for reviewing a development plan for a public facility shall be:
(a) That the proposed building or use shall be located properly in relation to the criteria of this chapter and to the duly adopted Comprehensive Plan;
(b) That the proposed public facility building and use shall be located on major arterial, collector or local collector streets as shown on a duly adopted Major Thoroughfare Plan so as to generate a minimum of traffic on local streets. Elementary schools may, however, be located on local streets.
(c) That the location, design and operation of such main and accessory public facility building and use shall not adversely affect the surrounding residential neighborhood.
After approval of the preliminary plan, final plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Commission in accordance with procedures set forth in this Zoning Code (Chapter 1242). A building permit shall not be issued until such plans are approved by the Planning Commission and confirmed by Council. In addition to the above requirements, appropriate conditions applying to the particular situation may also be specified in the approval and permit.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)