(a)   Before any ordinance, measure or regulation amending or changing the number, shape, area or regulations of or within any zone or district may be passed, Council shall hold a public hearing thereon. It shall publish notice of such hearing in one newspaper of general circulation within the City, adequately describing the nature of the pending legislation, once a week for two consecutive weeks on the same day of the week, the first of such publications to take place not less than thirty days prior to the public hearing. During such thirty days, the text or copy of the text of such ordinance, measure, regulation or proposed change, together with the maps or plans or copies thereof forming part of or referred to in such ordinance, measure, regulation or proposed change, and the maps, plans and reports submitted by the Planning Commission, shall be on file for public examination in the office of the Clerk of Council.
   (b)   In addition to publication as set forth in subsection (a) hereof, notification shall be given to all owners of real property within 500 feet of each lot line of the property proposed to be rezoned by regular first class mail.
   (c)   If an application to rezone property is made by someone other than the owner or his agent, a notice of the application for rezoning shall be sent by regular first class mail to the real property owner or owners whose property is to be rezoned.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)