(a) An exhibitor operating a game room or amusement arcade shall, at all times during hours of operation, provide management by a person or persons over eighteen years of age.
(b) An exhibitor of a game room or amusement arcade shall, at all times during hours of operation, provide security personnel to police the interior and exterior portion of the game room or arcade.
(c) An exhibitor operating a game room or amusement arcade shall maintain the location and use of devices in compliance with the plans and drawings filed with the license application and with the Building Department and shall otherwise maintain compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Code and Building Code.
(d) An exhibitor shall maintain the premises of a game room or amusement arcade free from crime including, but not limited to, gambling offenses and offenses against the public peace, and free from delinquency and unruly child behavior. Failure to do so shall constitute a nuisance and shall be grounds for suspension and revocation of licenses granted under this chapter.
(e) An exhibitor shall prohibit the consumption of intoxicants or alcoholic beverages by any person on the premises unless such licensee holds a proper permit from the Ohio State Liquor Control Board.
(Ord. 1982-58. Passed 10-4-82.)
(Ord. 1982-58. Passed 10-4-82.)