No person shall operate a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all purpose vehicle, as the same are defined in Section 476.01 of the Traffic Code:
   (a)   Upon any private property within 200' of a residential dwelling or a residential property line; or
   (b)   In such close proximity to any residence or dwelling or place ordinarily used for human habitation in such manner as to make or cause to be made any unreasonable noise of such a character, intensity or duration as to disturb the peace and quiet of any inhabitant of such place, or be detrimental to the life or health of any individual therein; or
   (c)   In such close proximity to any residence or dwelling or place ordinarily used for human habitation in such manner that there is any stone, dirt, dust, mud, grass, or vegetation thrown onto the lot of any other resident; or
   (d)   In such manner that the headlights or other lights of the vehicle disturb the peace or well-being of any resident; or
   (e)   In such close proximity to any residence or dwelling or resident’s yard as to pose any danger to the resident or the resident’s property.
      (Ord. 2001-112. Passed 10-15-01.)