Parking and loading requirements shall apply to an integrated development site and/or individual lots, as may be applicable, per Chapter 1155, except for yard restrictions where the following shall apply:
(a) Required off street parking facilities may occupy perimeter setback areas, to within twenty feet of the property line but may not occupy required open area between buildings, nor infringe into other open space areas required.
(b) Parking areas may not be located within twenty feet of the road right of way nor within ten feet of any residential structures unless garages are attached to dwelling units. Parking areas shall be designed to minimize extent to which residential structures will be surrounded by parking on more than one side.
(c) A ten foot wide landscaped strip shall be planted between parking areas and street rights of way.
(d) A minimum five foot wide landscaped strip shall be planted between residential parking areas and the residential structures.
(e) When parking areas are located adjacent to a residential district or use, the parking area shall be screened from the adjacent residential district by a ten foot wide screen of at least six feet in height at the time of planting. Screen plantings should consist of a combination of deciduous and coniferous trees and bushes to provide year-round screening.
(f) When nonresidential parking areas are adjacent to residential living areas, within the project, the parking area shall be screened from the residential area by a twenty foot wide screen of at least six feet in height at the time of planting. Screen plantings shall consist of a combination of deciduous and coniferous trees and bushes to provide year-round screening. A combination of fencing and landscaping may be used as determined by the Planning Commission to achieve the same effect. (Ord. 2014-22. Passed 3-24-14.)