(A)   Water supply.
      (1)   Public water supply. Where public water supply is available as determined by the Commission, the developer shall construct a system of water mains and connect with such public water supply and provide a connection for each lot. Any area or subdivision of 20 or more single-family housing units which are not hooked up to public water and sewer must have a central water system and central sewerage system, approved by the Ohio Department of Health and the municipality.
      (2)   Test wells. Where public water supply is not required by the State Department of Health or Ohio EPA, at least one test well shall be made in the area being platted for each 100 lots or each 25 acres of area, whichever is the smaller. In cases where copies of the logs of existing wells located within the area being platted are available, this may be submitted in lieu of making test wells.
      (3)   Location and construction of individual private wells. Test wells shall be at least 25 feet in depth and shall produce safe potable drinking water at a rate of not less than five gallons per minute per family.
      (4)   Copy of log. A copy of the well log, which shall include the name and address of the well driller, shall be submitted with the plat to the Planning Commission. Individual private wells shall meet the minimum standards of the state and County Board of Health. All abandoned wells shall be sealed in a manner that will render them water-tight as prescribed by the County Health Department. In all cases where it has been determined that individual water supplies from private wells are not feasible, a public water distribution system will be required.
   (B)   Sanitary sewers.
      (1)   If a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Commission, the developer shall provide a system of sanitary sewer mains and shall provide lateral connections for each lot. Any area of subdivision of 20 or more housing units must have a central sewerage system, approved by the State Department of Health and accepted by the Village Council. Where a public sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible, the owner or the developer may provide a package plat for the group, or septic tanks for each lot; provided that such package plants or septic tanks are installed in accordance with state and village or local Board of Health requirements. Whenever main lines are installed, sewer and water shall be extended to property lines. Connections to public sanitary sewer lines shall be subject to the approval of and according to the specifications of the Village Engineer.
      (2)   Eight-inch sewer lines will normally be required, but the Planning Commission may at its discretion require larger lines where necessary or desirable, in which case, the excess cost of the larger lines shall be home by the municipality.
      (3)   In the event the installation of individual disposal systems shall be considered, the absorption ability of the soil, surface drainage and topography shall be the criteria for determining whether or not the installation of individual septic tank disposal systems is permissible. Group sewage disposal systems shall meet the requirements of the State Department of Health as prescribed by the laws of the state.
   (C)   Drainage.
      (1)   All necessary facilities, including underground pipe, inlets, catch basins or open drainage ditches shall be installed to provide for the adequate disposal of subsurface and surface water and maintenance of natural drainage courses. All storm drainage facilities within the subdivision shall connect to an adequate drainage outlet. A drainage plan shall be submitted simultaneously with the plat of any subdivision, showing the proposed scheme of surface drainage.
      (2)   All drainage improvements shall be designed and constructed to current ODOT standards; existing downstream drainage structures shall be evaluated as to adequacy and replaced when necessary. If new point drainage sources are created or the amount of drainage is increases, a drainage easement for downstream properties for a length of 500 feet will be required. The best available technology shall be used to minimize off-site storm water run-off. If retention basins or similar measures are necessary and utilized, provision for maintenance shall be the developer’s responsibility. Storm water management shall follow the standards established in water management and sediment control for urbanized areas.
      (3)   When natural drainage channels intersect any street right-of-way, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to have satisfactory bridges and culverts designed and constructed. Where culverts are required, the following requirements shall be observed:
         (a)   Where drainage ditches are permitted, they must have at least 0.20 of a foot grade per 100 feet, or otherwise approved;
         (b)   If the permitted roadway ditch is in excess of 2%, an approved type gutter using concrete, stone, sod or underground drainage must be used, with sufficient inlets spaced so as to keep the volume of water at a low level. All culverts shall extend across the entire right-of-way width of the proposed road. The cover over the culvert and its capacity shall be approved by the Village Engineer. The minimum diameter of a culvert pipe shall be 12 inches. Head walls, depending on existing drainage conditions, may be required;
         (c)   Driveway culverts shall have a minimum length of 20 feet. Driveway culverts shall be double strength vitrified pipe of equal, with sealed joints having a diameter of not less than 12 inches. When special drainage designs are necessary, such as masonry or concrete structures and the like, such designs in detail must be submitted to the Village Engineer for approval in advance of the completion of the construction plans. The driveway culverts shall be laid so as to maintain the flow line of the ditch or gutter. Head walls may be required; and
         (d)   All trenches for water lines, sewers, utilities and the like, within the pavement or driveway areas, shall be backfilled with grit to a point within a minimum of six inches of the subgrade and to a point three feet outside the pavement edge or three feet back of curb, if curb is used.
   (D)   Street improvements. All streets and thoroughfares shall be graded to their full width, including side slopes, and improved in accordance with the standards outlined or referred to in this chapter.
      (1)   Generally. In certain instances, especially where a commercial area is involved and no off-street parking facilities are provided and no parking is permitted on the street at any time, a parking lane at least eight feet wide on each side of the street and paved to the satisfaction of and in accordance with the specifications approved by the Village Engineer may be required in addition to the necessary number of lanes for moving traffic. Where pavement widths greater than those specified above are necessary, provision of same shall be discussed with the public officials having jurisdiction over the planning and construction of public ways to determine whether or not public expenditures for such additional width can or should be made simultaneously with the developer’s improvement program. The Planning Commission has the authority to approve streets to be narrower in a cluster development.
      (2)   Subgrade. The subgrade shall be free of sod, vegetation matter or other similar material. Where poor subsurface drainage conditions exist, adequate drainage shall be installed. The subgrade shall be rolled with a roller of not less than seven pounds in weight. Sub-base grade tolerance shall be not more than one inch in 16 feet. Sub-base construction shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer.
      (3)   Street base and surface courses. Local residential streets shall be constructed with one of the following typical sections:
         (a)   Six-inch plain Portland cement concrete - ODOT Item 452;
         (b)   Three-inch aggregate base - ODOT Item 304;
         (c)   One and one-half inch asphalt concrete surface course - ODOT Item 404;
         (d)   Three and one-half inch asphalt concrete base course - ODOT Item 301;
         (e)   Prime coat at 0.4 gallon/square yard - ODOT Item 408;
         (f)   Five-inch aggregate base - ODOT Item 304;
         (g)   One and one-half inch asphalt concrete surface course - ODOT Item 404;
         (h)   Five-inch asphalt concrete base course - ODOT Item 301;
         (i)   Prime coat at 0.4 gallon/square yard - ODOT Item 408;
         (j)   Three-inch aggregate base - ODOT Item 304; or
         (k)   Pavement design and construction shall be approved by the Village Engineer. The above pavement compositions are intended to be typical and may be varied only with the approval of the Village Engineer.
   (E)   Curbs and gutters.
      (1)   The requirement of curbs or curbs and gutters will vary in accordance with the character of the area and the density of development involved as determined by the Planning Commission. In urban or suburban areas, curbs are necessary to control storm water runoff and to clearly define driving and parking areas.
      (2)   Curbs shall be required on all streets designed to serve areas where the existing or anticipated net residential density of the area surrounding the proposed subdivision equals or exceeds three families per not acre.
      (3)   Where residential lot frontages are less than 85 feet in commercial developments or where other similar intensive urban uses exist or are anticipated, curbs shall ordinarily be required. The installation of curbs may be required on major highways if such construction is deemed necessary for public safety.
      (4)   Where curbs exist on abutting properties, their extension will ordinarily be required throughout the proposed subdivision. Where curbs are not required, adequate gutters shall be graded and protected by seeding or appropriate surfacing.
      (5)   Curbs shall be combined with gutters built of concrete. Curbs, combined curbs and gutters and graded gutters shall be constructed in conformance with the current Construction and Material Specifications of the Department of Highways, State of Ohio, as they pertain to this type of improvement.
   (F)   Driveways. The maximum grade on driveways shall not exceed 10%. Driveway pipe shall be concrete pipe except that other than gutter may be extra strength vitrified pipe or equal with minimum diameter of 12 inches and a minimum length of 20 feet. The developer shall place approved drainage structures under intersecting roads, drives, lanes or property entrances and at other locations where required.
(Ord. O-28-2021, passed 11-16-2021)