The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of street intersections.
   (A)   Streets shall be designed to intersect at 90 degrees, more or less. Streets shall remain in the right angle of intersections for no less than 50 feet beyond the point of intersection.
   (B)   Sight distance is a direct function of the design speed which greatly influence the level of distance must always be provided as a safety requirement. Passing and decision sight distances influence the operational capability which provides the selected level of service. Provision for adequate sight distance on rural thoroughfares where both high speeds and high volumes can be factors is complex. The developer shall comply with the Ohio Department of Transportation design standards.
   (C)   Multiple intersections involving junctions of more than town streets shall be avoided.
   (D)   The minimum pavement radius at intersections shall be 30 feet; the minimum right-of-way radius shall be 20 feet.
(Ord. O-28-2021, passed 11-16-2021)