§ 152.029 FILING.
   (A)   The final map shall be filed with the Commission not later than 12 months after the date of approval of the preliminary plan; otherwise it will be considered void unless an extension is requested by the developer and granted by the Commission in writing. The final plat shall be considered officially filed after it is examined by the Village Engineer and is found to be in full compliance with the formal provisions of this chapter. The final plat shall be filed at least ten working days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.
   (B)   The developer shall submit a statement of the proposed use of lots, staging type of residential building with number of proposed dwelling units; type of business or industry, so that the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards or congestion of population can be determined; source of water supply, provisions for sewage disposal, drainage and flood control.
(Ord. O-28-2021, passed 11-16-2021)