General Provisions
132.01 Purpose; jurisdiction
132.02 Definitions
132.03 Interpretation, application
132.04 Disclaimer of liability
132.05 Fees
132.20 Declaration of site as a chemical investigation site; public health
132.21 Medical guidelines for assessing health status of exposed
132.22 Law enforcement to affected public; public health; child protection authorities
132.23 Notice of the chemical investigation site; public health nuisance to owner and occupant
132.24 Notice filed with property record; motor vehicle record
132.25 Property owner’s, and occupant’s, responsibility to act
132.26 Property owner’s responsibility for costs; opportunity for recovery
132.27 Special assessments to recover public costs
132.28 Authority to modify, or remove, declaration of a chemical investigation site; public health nuisance
132.29 Waste generated from cleaning up clandestine drug labs
132.30 Exceptions; appeals