§ 131.38 LOITERING.
   (A)   It is unlawful for any person to loiter, wander, stand, or remain idle either along, or with others in a public place in a manner so as to violate any of the following provisions:
      (1)   To obstruct any public street, public highway, public sidewalk, or other public place or building by hindering, or impeding, or an act tending to hinder, or impede, the free, and uninterrupted, passage of vehicles, traffic, or pedestrians;
      (2)   To commit in, or upon, any public street, public highway, public sidewalk, or other public place, or building, any act, or thing, which is an obstruction, or interference, to the free and uninterrupted use of property, or with any business lawfully conducted by anyone in, or upon, or facing, or fronting on, any public street, public highway, public sidewalk, or other public place or building, all of which prevents the free, and uninterrupted, ingress, egress, and regress therein, thereon, and thereto;
      (3)   To loiter, stand, sit, or lie in, or upon, any public property, private sidewalk, street, curb, crosswalk, walkway area, parking lot, mall, or other portion of private property open for public use, so as to unreasonably block, obstruct, or hinder free passage of the public; and/or
      (4)   To, without consent of the owner or occupant, unreasonably block, obstruct, or hinder free access to the entrance of any building, or part of a building, open to the public.
   (B)   When any person causes, or commits, any of the conditions enumerated in division (A) above, and is ordered by the owner, agent, manager, or person in charge of the premises, or by a police officer, or any law enforcement officer, to stop causing, or committing, the conditions and to move on, or disperse, any person who fails, or refuses, to obey such an order, or returns to the premises within 36 hours after having been so requested, or ordered, to vacate shall be guilty of a violation of this section.
(Prior Code, § 10.46) (Ord. 190, second series, passed 10-18-2005) Penalty, see § 131.99