(A) Any film permit may be revoked under the following circumstances:
(1) Where it has been determined that the permittee has violated or has failed to comply with any of the terms or conditions of the film permit;
(2) Where it has been determined that the permittee has violated or has failed to comply with any ordinances, resolutions, or applicable regulations;
(3) Where it has been determined that the film permit was granted pursuant to false or fraudulent information contained in the film permit application or verbally provided to city officials;
(4) Where it has subsequently been determined that filming activity will fail to meet the criteria enumerated in this article for granting a film permit; or
(5) Where it has been determined that the preservation of the public health, safety, and general welfare demand revocation of the film permit.
(B) A notice of revocation shall be mailed to the permittee, by certified mail, stating the grounds for revocation and advising the permittee of the appeal rights afforded by this article.
(C) City officials with the authority to revoke a permit include the Community Relations Director, Police Chief or designee, Fire Chief or designee, Development Director, Public Works Director, and the City Manager.
(D) Revocation of a film permit shall be effective for a period of one year. No permits shall be issued to any individual or entity found to be in violation of this article for the subsequent one (1) year period of time. Thereafter, film permits may be granted on a restricted or conditional basis to ensure that the offender does not violate this article again.
(E) Violation of any of the provisions of this article or any of the terms and conditions of a film permit shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter One of the city code. In addition, it shall be a misdemeanor to:
(1) Provide false or fraudulent information to the city during the permit application process;
(2) Provide any false or fraudulent information after the permit has been issued, including but not limited to the possession or existence of consent or permission from property owners when required; or
(3) Fail or refuse to cease any film activities when ordered to do so by a city official due to violations of any code, ordinance, or this article.
(Ord. No. 401, § 1 (part), 3-2-09)