Art. I. Short Title, § 1.01
Art. II. Definitions, § 2.01
Art. III. Platting Procedure and Data Required, §§ 3.01-3.05
Art. IV. Design Standards, §§ 4.01-4.05
Art. V. Improvements, §§ 5.01-5.03
Art. VI. Compliance Standards, §§ 6.01-6.04
Art. VII. Variances, §§ 7.01-7.03
Art. VIII. Parcel Splitting, § 8.01
Art. IX. Fees and Charges
Art. X. Penalties, § 10.01
Art. XI. Amendments, § 11.01
Art. XII. Severability
Art. XIII. Repeal of Existing Subdivision Regulation Ordinance, § 13.01
Art. XIV. Effective Date, § 14.01
An act to regulate the subdivision of land; to promote the public health, safety and general welfare; to further the orderly layout and use of land; to provide for orderly growth and harmonious development of land; to secure adequate traffic circulation and to lessen congestion in the streets and highways; to facilitate adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewage, drainage and other public requirements; to plan for the provision of adequate recreational areas, school sites and other community facilities; to facilitate the division of larger tracts into smaller parcels of land; to promote appropriate land development throughout the city; to provide for the approvals to be obtained by subdividers prior to the recording and filing of plats; to establish the procedure for vacating, correcting and revising plats; to control residential building development within flood plain areas; to provide for the filing of amended plats; to approve the penalties for violations hereof and to provide logical procedures for the achievement of these purposes. The City of Sterling Heights ordains: