(A) No person shall close any city street or alley, unless first authorized by the city.
(B) No person shall park a vehicle or place equipment associated with filming on any street or alley, except where parking is lawfully permitted.
(C) The permittee shall post "No Parking" signs, as required by the Film Office, at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the filming.
(D) Before a street or alley closure can occur, the permittee shall submit to the Film Office, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the filming activity, signatures of approval from one adult resident of at least 70% of the dwelling units and businesses adjacent to or serviced by the street or alley proposed to be closed.
(E) If a permittee wets the roadway for filming purposes, the permittee shall not strike the set until the roadway is dry to the city's satisfaction. A professional lane closure company shall be hired to install the lane closure area for the wet-down and shall maintain such closure until the roadway is dry. “Wet Pavement” signs are required at both ends of the wet-down.
(Ord. No. 401, § 1 (part), 3-2-09)