The following standards shall govern the approval or denial of an application for a tree removal permit:
(A) The protection and conservation of natural resources from pollution, impairment, or destruction is of paramount concern. Therefore, all treed areas, trees, and related natural resources shall be preserved to the greatest extent reasonably possible. The applicant shall consider and pursue all development options available under the zoning ordinance in order to preserve woodland areas and trees.
(B) The integrity of woodland and treed areas shall be maintained to the greatest extent reasonably possible irrespective of whether such woodland areas cross property lines.
(C) Where the proposed development or activity consists of land clearing, it shall generally be limited to designated street rights-of-way, areas dedicated to drainage and utility easements, building and driveway envelopes only to the extent necessary to accommodate the proposed structure(s), and other improved areas (such as off-street parking and loading and unloading areas) necessary for site improvements considering the development options which are available to the applicant under the zoning ordinance. Wherever feasible, mass grading and clear cutting of a site shall be avoided.
(D) The removal of trees for which a tree removal permit is required shall be limited to any of the following instances:
(1) When necessary for the location of a structure or site improvements and when no reasonable alternative location for the structure or improvements can be had without causing undue hardship, considering all development options which are available to the applicant under the zoning ordinance;
(2) Where necessary to provide reasonable drainage upon the site and when no reasonable alternative drainage is available without the removal of the trees.
(E) The burden of satisfying the criteria of this section shall be upon the applicant.
(1978 Code, § 33-43; Ord. No. 292, § 1, 4-16-91; Ord. No. 475, § 1, 3-2-21; Ord. No. 487, § 1, 9-6-22)