(A) Required information. An applicant for a tree removal permit shall submit the following materials to the city:
(1) A completed tree removal permit application on a form prescribed by the city that shall include the following information:
a. The name and contact information of the applicant and/or the applicant's agent;
b. The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the property if not the same;
c. The project location, including as applicable, the address, the street, road, or highway, section number, lot or unit number, and the name of the subdivision or development;
d. A detailed description and statement of the activity to be undertaken;
e. The proposed development or special land use in conjunction with the proposed tree removal to be performed.
(2) A tree removal permit application fee in the amount established by the annual appropriations ordinance.
(3) If the applicant is not the owner of the property, a written authorization from the owner allowing the proposed activity.
(4) An electronic PDF version (or other electronic format deemed acceptable by the city) of a tree survey and a plan for proposed tree removal. Tree surveys must be prepared and sealed or signed by a qualified professional and sealed and signed by an arborist or forester containing all of the following information:
a. The shape and dimensions of the property and the location of any existing and proposed structures or improvements;
b. The identification and tagging in the field of all trees with identifying numbers, using non-corrosive metal tags, and shown on the plan with the corresponding number;
c. The location of all existing trees of six inches or greater d.b.h., identified by tag number, and a tree inventory list identifying the size and common or botanical name for each tree, including all landmark trees, which trees are designated preserved trees (to be preserved), and the condition of each tree (good, fair, poor, diseased, or dead);
d. The location and identification of all regulated trees to be preserved or transplanted, and designation of all trees to be removed;
e. A clearly indicated list, chart, or similar tabulation noting the total number of trees on site, the total number of trees proposed to be preserved, the total number of trees proposed to be removed, and the total number of proposed replacement trees;
f. A tree replacement/landscape plan showing the proposed location of all replacement trees, including a list of proposed replacement tree species and sizes, or a statement that the developer elects to pay the required amount into the Tree Preservation Fund in lieu of preserving trees on site, or both;
g. The location of tree protection fences proposed to be erected, and a statement that all designated preserved trees will be identified by a method such as painting or flagging. The statement shall include a description of how the retained trees are to be protected during construction, with an acknowledgment that the barriers must be in place before operations commence;
h. A depiction and/or statement showing how designated preserved trees will be protected on a permanent basis, including the proposed use of tree wells, protective barriers, tunneling, or retaining walls, shall be included on the plan;
i. A statement indicating that the trees to be removed and tree protection measures will be inspected and approved by the City Development Department or its designee prior to any tree removal or construction activity occurring on site; and
j. A general grading plan prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor showing the anticipated grading changes and drainage patterns, including the location of any areas where cut and fill operations are likely to occur to enable the city to determine the impact of the proposal on the viability of the existing trees.
k. A site plan for the proposed development to be undertaken for which the removal of trees is necessary, or a site plan relating to the development which is the subject of the special land use approval.
(B) Alternate site plan information. Where the request for a tree removal permit relates to any site which contains no regulated trees (six inches or greater d.b.h.), the applicant shall so indicate in his or her application and submit a "no regulated tree" affidavit. In such case, the City Development Department shall conduct an inspection of the site. If the inspection substantiates the applicant's claim, the applicant shall be relieved from the requirement of obtaining a tree removal permit.
(1978 Code, § 33-41; Ord. No. 292, § 1, 4-16-91; Ord. No. 292-C, § 6, 5-17-05; Ord. No. 388, § 26, 1-3-07; Ord. No. 475, § 1, 3-2-21; Ord. No. 487, § 1, 9-6-22)