The following regulations are established for the planting, trimming and care of the trees in or upon the public highways and public places of the city:
(1) Trees must not be less than one and one-half inch in diameter of trunk one foot above the ground;
(2) All trees from one and one-half to three inches in diameter of trunk one foot above the ground must be protected and supported by tree guards. When guarded with one stake only, the stake must be toward the prevailing wind;
(3) No tree shall hereafter be planted at the intersection of two or more streets or within 20 feet of such intersection;
(4) In cutting down trees, the same must be removed with the root stump grubbed out, when so required by the City Manager or his or her designee;
(5) Trees shall hereafter be planted at least 30 feet apart, except when a special permit is obtained from the City Manager or his or her designee;
(6) No tree shall be planted where the clear space between the curb and the sidewalk is less than five feet;
(7) The trimming and care of trees shall be performed in accordance with the Pruning Standards for Shade Trees as adopted and amended by the National Arborists Association;
(8) No tree shall be planted where the soil is too poor to insure the growth of such tree, unless the owner excavates a suitable hole of not less than 36 cubic feet and replaces the material removed with suitable loam or soil stripped from pasture land;
(9) No tree shall be planted nearer than one foot from the curbline or outer line of the sidewalk, unless a special permit is granted by the City Manager or his or her designee;.
(10) The general regulations shall be supplemented by the provisions of the city street tree and stump removal policy as adopted and amended by the City Manager and endorsed by the City Council.
(1978 Code, § 33-6; Ord. No. 359, § 3, 1-2-02)
Charter reference:
Authority of Council to regulate planting of trees and shrubbery in streets, see § 16.06