The following activities are prohibited in a park:
(1) Riding a bicycle on other than a paved vehicular road or a path designated for the purpose of operating bicycles in the park. A bicyclist shall, however, be permitted to wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy area or wooded trail or on any paved area reserved for pedestrian use;
(2) Riding a bicycle or operating a conveyance other than on the right side of the road or path pavement as close as conditions permit. Bicyclists and other persons operating conveyances shall, at all times, operate their bicycles and conveyances with reasonable regard for the safety of others;
(3) Leaving a bicycle or conveyance unattended in a place other than a bicycle rack, when a bicycle rack is provided at the park;
(4) Leaving a bicycle or conveyance laying on the ground or pavement or set against a tree or at any place or position where other persons may trip over or be injured by such bicycle or conveyance.
(5) Failing to yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, bicyclist, or similarly situated person while operating a bicycle, or any other conveyance, on a paved road or path. Bicyclists and operators of other conveyances shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any such pedestrian, bicyclist, or similarly situated person. By way of example, but without limitation, a "similarly situated person" for purposes of this subsection includes a child on a tricycle, a person on an electric personal assistive mobility device, a person on a skateboard, a person on roller skates or roller blades, a person in a wheelchair, and/or a person on or utilizing any other form of conveyance or wheeled device;
(6) Ride or operate a bicycle or conveyance at a rate of speed exceeding ten miles an hour, except upon such roads as the Director may designate, by posted signs, for speedier travel;
(7) Operate any bicycle or conveyance on any area where the operation of bicycles or conveyances has been specifically prohibited by the Director.
(8) A person who violates this section is responsible for a municipal civil infraction. Only city police officers are authorized to issue a municipal civil infraction to a person who violates this section.
(1978 Code, § 26-14) (Ord. No. 391 § 2, 4-17-07)
Cross reference:
Bicycles, see Ch. 9;
Provisions of traffic ordinance relative to bicycles, see §§ et seq. and §§ 49-255 et seq.
Statutory reference:
Authority of city to regulate bicycles, see M.C.L. § 257.606
Parental responsibility, see M.C.L. § 257.656
Applicability of Michigan Vehicle Code regulations to bicycle paths, see M.C.L. § 257.656
Right-of-way and audible signal requirements, see M.C.L. § 257.660(5)