The following standards are hereby adopted for streets to be dedicated to public use:
(a) The surface shall be concrete or asphalt with curb or curb and gutter in accordance with the specifications listed below.
(1) Surface concrete specifications.
A. Reinforced Portland cement concrete pavement with curb per detailed plans available at the office of Director of Public Service.
B. The minimum thickness shall be six inches for residential streets. For commercial, industrial and arterial streets the thickness and reinforcing shall be determined using the Portland Cement Associations's book on the design of concrete pavements for city streets and O.S.S. Nos . 451.01 to 451.18. All pavement to be reinforced with wire mesh minimum gauge 6 x 6 x 6.
C. Any trenches across the subgrade must be refilled with compacted granular backfill of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed slag, or crushed stone meeting the following grading requirements:
Sieve | Total Percent Passing |
2 ½ inches | 100 |
1 inch | 70 - 100 |
No. 4 (3/16 inch) | 25 - 100 |
No. 40 | 10 - 50 |
No. 200 | 5 - 15 |
The fraction passing a No. 40 sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater than 30 and a plasticity index not greater than 6.
D. Subgrade must be prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service before any surfacing of the street is started.
E. Developer shall proof roll the subgrade in conformance with the most recent specifications issued by the Ohio Department of Transportation entitled "Construction and Material Specifications".
F. Four-inch perforated PVC pipe bedded in gravel shall be used to provide for the interception and diversion of subsurface water away from the street base. Such underdrainage shall be done under the direction of the Director of Public Service. Such underdrains shall be provided in any "cut" areas, and otherwise at the direction of the Director of Public Service.
(b) Minimum width of paved portion shall be twenty-five feet from outside of curb to outside of curb.
(c) Minimum distance from outside of curb to edge of right of way shall be seven and one-half feet on each side.
(d) Street right of way must contain properly laid sewer and water lines.
(e) Developer must provide for control of surface and storm water. Storm sewers shall be designed for a ten-year storm and meet a hydraulic gradient of a twenty-five year storm. If the existing storm sewer system to which the developer wishes to connect is not of sufficient size to carry adequately the additional flow of water which is to be piped from the developer's property or development, then the developer shall perform one of two alternatives as directed by the Director of Public Service:
(1) Construct a storm water retention basin designed to accomodate a twenty- five year storm.
(2) Reconstruct the deficient portion of the existing storm sewer system to which the developer wishes to connect.
(f) Plans for all construction described herein shall be provided to the Director of Public Service and work shall not commence until his written approval to proceed with construction is granted.
(g) Catchbasin shall be either poured concrete, or constructed of solid concrete block per detailed plan available at the office of the Director of Public Service.
(h) All subsurface water shall be piped into the storm sewer systems. Such piping shall be galvanized steel culvert or concrete pipe if located beneath streets, or PVC if not located beneath streets, of a size specified by the Director of Public Service.
(i) All construction shall be done in accordance with the most recent specifications issued by the Ohio Department of Transportation entitled “Construction and Material Specifications.”
(Ord. 1353. Passed 6-20-83.)