The person, firm or corporation who receives a written consent from Council to make an opening by excavation in any improved street, alley or public way shall remove all earth taken from the excavation and backfill the ditch or opening with gravel and place thereon, on a shoulder of solid earth beyond one foot in width on each side of the excavation, and construct a concrete slab at least eight inches in thickness, and if an asphalt street, cover the same with asphalt concrete.
   On all unimproved streets, alleys and public ways, the openings shall be refilled with the excavated materials and surfaced with the same materials that were on the road way prior to the excavation.
   All other openings and excavations that are not on the traveled portions of the streets, alleys and public ways, shall be refilled with the excavated materials and kept at all times level with the surface. (Ord. 659. Passed 11-6-50.)