Ord. No.    Date    Description
Res. 5,
Vol. 1, p. 21    12-1-1884    Set sidewalk grade on west side of Marietta from Main St. to north side of South Commons.
Vol. 1, p. 71-73    11-3-1890    Set grade on Main St. from west to east corporation lines.
Vol. 1, p. 74-75    11-3-1890    Set grade on Marietta St. from center of North Commons to a point 710 ft. south of the north line of McFarland's Addition.
Vol. 1, p. 76-77    11-3-1890    Set grade on Sugar St. from the St. Clairsville Northern R. R. to the St. Clairsville Branch of the B. & O. R.R.
Vol. 1, p. 78-79    11-3-1890    Set grade on North Commons St.
Vol. 1, p. 80-81    11-3-1890    Set grade on South Commons St.
Vol. 1, p. 82-83    11-3-1890    Set grade on Butler St. from center of North Commons to center of South Commons.
Vol. 1, p. 107-108    9-11-1893    Set curb grade on Marietta St. from center of North Commons to a point 710 ft. south of the north line of McFarland's Addition.
Vol. 1, p. 109-112    9-11-1893    Set curb grade on Main St. from east to west corporation line.
Vol. 2, p. 136    7-10-11    Set sidewalk grade from south curb of alley north of Lot 17 in McFarland's Addition on west side of Marietta St. to north curb line of South St.
Vol. 2, p. 140    12-4-11    Set sidewalk grade on north side of North Commons from east side of N. Market St. to a point 8 feet east of southwest corner of the Episcopalian Cemetery.
Vol. 2, p. 151-152    N.A.    Reset sidewalk grade in front of Lot 101 on south side of west Main St.
Vol. 2, p. 154    8-4-13    Set sidewalk grade on west side of Marietta St. south of South St.
Vol. 2, p. 155-157    11-3-13    Set sidewalk grades on North Market St. north of intersection of North Commons.
Vol. 2, p. 157-158    11-3-13    Set sidewalk grade on south side of East Main St. east of west property line of Z. Fawcett lot and on north side of East Main St. east of the southwest property line of the B.C. Humphrey lot.
Vol. 2, p. 158-159    11-3-13    Set sidewalk grades on both sides of South Commons between Marietta and Sugar Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 163    8-3-14    Set sidewalk grade on east side of Marietta St. from north side of Lot 1, Block A of Roselawn Addition to south end of street pavement.
Vol. 2, p. 177    8-2-15    Set sidewalk grade on west side of North Sugar St. from south side of Main St. to alley between Main St. and North Commons.
N.A. (not available)
Ord. No.    Date    Description
Vol. 2, p. 193-194    9-5-18    Change: Anne St. to Marietta St.
North Commons to Newell Ave.
Cadiz Pike to Maple St. from North Commons
to corporation line.
South Commons to Woodrow Ave.
Street, from F.M. Young's corner on Marietta St. to corporation line, to High St.
Road known as Warnock Pike to Marietta St.,
from F.M. Young's corner on Marietta St. south to corporation line.
Road, from existing South Sugar St. to Frank
Bryant's residence, to South Sugar St.
Road, from existing North Market St. to north corporation line, to North Market St.
Vol. 2, p. 239-240    9-19-21    Set sidewalk grade on east side of North Sugar St. from south curb of Crescent St. to Main St.
Vol. 2, p. 240-242    9-19-21    Set street and sidewalk grade on Ruggles Ave. between Marietta and Sugar Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 243-244    9-19-21    Set street and sidewalk grade on Spring St. from Ruggles Ave. to Park and Prospect Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 244-245    9-19-21    Set street and sidewalk grade on Woodrow Ave. from Marietta to Butler Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 246    11-7-21    Set grade on South Marietta St. from end of existing pavement to corporation line.
Vol. 2, p. 247-248    12-12-21    Set street and sidewalk grade on North Market St. from Newell Ave. to corporation line.
Vol. 2, p. 248-250    12-12-21    Set street and sidewalk grade on Crescent St. from Sugar to Center Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 341    5-5-24    Set sidewalk grade on south side of Newell Ave. between North Marietta and Butler Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 423    6-1-25    Set sidewalk grade on east side of Marietta St. from Davis corner to north side of Ruggles Ave.
Vol. 2, p. 436    7-10-25    Change grade on Jepson Ave. from West Border Alley in the Lindale Addition to east property line of Lots 11 to 24 in the Lindale Addition.
Vol. 2, p. 440-441    8-3-25    Sidewalk grade on south side of Woodrow Ave. from Marietta to Sugar Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 443-444    9-21-25    Set grade on south side of Main St. from east line of the Mary E. Hunt lot to the east corporation line.
Vol. 2, p. 444-445    9-21-25    Set sidewalk grade on east side of Marietta St. from south side of Ruggles Ave. to the south corporation line; and on north side of High St. from Marietta to South Sugar Sts.
Vol. 2, p. 497-498    7-12-26    Set sidewalk grade on north side of Newell Ave. from east line of the Kerr Giffen lot to North Marietta St.
Vol. 3, p. 3-4    6-6-27    Set grade on Overbaugh Ave. from Penn Lane to Glendale St.
Vol. 3, p. 28-29    9-18-28    Set sidewalk grade on south side of Main St. from east line of James Patterson's lot to south Market St. and on west side of South Market St. from Main St. to an alley.
Vol. 3, p. 45-46    6-10-29    Set grade on Union St. from South St. to alley known as South Commons; and on South St. from Marietta to Union Sts; and South Commons from Union to Marietta Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 49    6-12-29    Set grade on Woodrow Ave. from Marietta to Butler Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 79-80    7-7-30    Set grade on Ruggles Ave. from South Marietta to South Sugar Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 90    10-6-30    Change grade on east Main St. in front of lots of Clarence Johnson, Charles Adolph and Ernest Wright.
Vol. 3, p. 97-98    9-8-31    Set grade on Parshall Ave.
Vol. 3, p. 103    1-11-32    Set sidewalk grade on Ruggles Ave. between Marietta and South Sugar Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 106    2-16-32    Set grade on Butler St. between Main St. and Woodrow Ave.
Vol. 3, p. 107    2-16-32    Set grade on Woodrow Ave. between Marietta and Butler Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 123-124    4-19-32    Set grade on Overbaugh Ave. from Penn Lane to alley in Baumgarner Addition; on Glendale St. from Overbaugh Ave. to Market St.; on Belleview St. from Market St. to Overbaugh Ave.; and, on Penn Lane from Market St. to Overbaugh Ave.
Vol. 3, p. 144    6-5-33    Set sidewalk grade on north side of Ruggles Ave.
Vol. 3, p. 150    11-6-33    Set grade on first alley west of the Court House and known as McGraw Alley.
Vol. 3, p. 167    5-7-34    Set sidewalk grade on west side of Spring St. between Ruggles Ave. and Park St.
Vol. 3, p. 170-171    5-9-34    Set sidewalk grade on north side of East Main St. from 500 ft. west of Barton Rd. to east corporation line.
Vol. 3, p. 176-177    6-4-34    Set grade on East High St. from end of existing pavement to the corporation line.
Vol. 3, p. 180    6-4-34    Set sidewalk grade on north side of East Main St. in East Lawn.
Vol. 3, p. 184    7-2-34    Set grade on Crescent St. from Sugar to Center Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 189    10-9-34    Set grade on alley south of Main St. between South Market and Marietta Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 190    10-9-34    Set grade on South Sugar St. between Ruggles Ave. and High St. Set grade on first alley east of South Sugar St., known as West's Alley, between Main St. and Woodrow Ave.
Vol. 3, p. 191    10-9-34    Set grade on alley north of Main St. and between North Marietta and Butler Sts.
Vol. 3, p. 199    4-17-35    Set grade on High St. Set grade on South St.
Vol. 3, p. 213    11-4-35    Set grade on St. Patrick's Alley from Butler to Marietta Sts.; and on Beach Alley from St. Patrick's Alley to Main St.
Vol. 3, p. 222    8-3-36    Set grade on North Sugar St. from end of pavement to north corporation line.
503    2-1-37    Set grade on South Street extension.
511    6-7-37    Set grade on Spring Ave.
512    7-7-37    Change name of part of Frances Ave. to Elm St.
516    9-7-37    Set sidewalk grade on Parshall Ave.
525    6-6-38    Set grade on Rand Ave.
530    11-14-38    Set grade on Pine Knoll Terrace.
550    7-7-41    Set grade on Union St.
585    10-9-45    Set grade on Efaw Ave.
595    6-3-46    Set grade on Belleview Ave. between Overbaugh Ave. and North Sugar St.
614    7-7-47    Set grade on Walnut St.
638    2-7-49    Set grade on street across the Bumgarner, Kovach and Norris properties.
651    4-3-50    Set sidewalk grade on both sides of Park Drive.
652    4-3-50    Set sidewalk grade on High St. in Thompson's Addition.
658    11-6-50    Set sidewalk grade on west side of Richland Ave. from Nelson Ave. to Center St.
672    8-8-51    Set sidewalk grade on west side of North Marietta St. from south line of Lot 11 to Jepson Ave.; and on south side of Jepson Ave. from east line of Lot 11 to west line of Lot 11.
676    10-1-51    Set sidewalk grade on south side of West Main St. in front of the Edna Walker property.
688    6-16-52    Set sidewalk grade on east side of North Market St.
702    3-2-53    Set curb line on Pine Knoll Terrace.
Res. 665    4-6-53    Change name of South St. Extension to Sunset Dr.
716   3-15-54   Set sidewalk grade on east side of North Sugar St. from Talbot Lane to Station 8 + 35.
740   2-6-56   Set grade on Clark Rd. from High St. to the south corporation line.
746   6-18-56   Change name of two streets in Brice Wallace Addition: Street from North Market St. to east line of Union Cemetery to be named Brice St.; Street from Brice St. to north line of Lots 6 and 9 to be named Wallace St.
747   7-2-56   Set sidewalk grade on Pine Knoll Terrace.
767   1958   Set grade on Walnut Ave. from Barton Rd. to east corporation line
775   6-16-58   Set grade on South Marietta St.
801   10-19-59   Set grade on West Border Alley of Mather's addition from Woodrow Ave. to Bethel Lane.
806   1-4-60   Set grade on Johnette Dr. from Harbel Dr. to Reservoir Rd.
849   10-2-61   Change name of Union St. to Bethel Lane.
866   10-15-62   Set grade on extension of Jepson Ave. and Debbie Lane.
867   10-15-62   Set sidewalk grade on south side of Woodrow Ave. from east curb line of Park St. to existing sidewalk.
868   11-6-62   Set grade on Locust Lane.
934   8-15-66   Set grade on Linda Dr. from South Marietta St. to Efaw Ave.
935   8-15-66   Set grade on Sunset Dr. from South St. to south line of Out Lot 29-C.
936   8-15-66   Set grade on Hanson Dr. from South Marietta St. to Efaw Ave.
1121   3-7-77   Change name of Morton Dr. to Martha Dr.
1122   3-7-77   Name alley south of Lots 1 through 6 in South Street Extension Curtis Lane.
1354   6-20-83   Change name of Locust Alley to Sunny Lane.
86-36   8-18-86   Designates name of alley connecting E. Main St. and Woodrow Ave.
87-8   3-16-87   Designates name of right of way extending west from Maple Ave. to the Norfolk and Western RR right of way abutting Outlot 5 on the north side as Pecks Lane.
89-20   5-15-89   Changing name of Frances Alley to Kell Lane.
05-55   9-6-05   Changing name of Carpenter St. to Slayton Drive in Spaceview Ridge, 12th Allotment.