(a)   Non-union employees who are permanent employees will be entitled to two compensated personal days each calendar year. A permanent employee is one who works full- or part-time hours, and is not seasonal in nature. A part-time employee must average twenty-three hours per week to qualify for personal days.
   (b)   Employees who are eligible will be entitled to the same number of compensated hours as they normally work in a given day.
   (c)   New employees will be entitled to two personal days after they have worked six consecutive months for the City.
   (d)   Personal days will not be charged against the employee’s accumulated sick leave totals.
   (e)   The employee shall notify his department supervisor twenty-four hours in advance of taking his/her personal day.
   (f)   Hourly employees may convert unused personal days to cash on the first pay in December. Salaried employees are not entitled to convert unused personal days to cash nor will they be carried over to the following year. Salaried employees will lose any unused personal days at the end of December each year.
(Ord. 2002-46. Passed 11-4-02.)