Section 5. Abolishment of Statutory Offices; Election of First Officers Under Charter and Definition of Public Employment.
   The terms of office of the Mayor, members of Council, Solicitor, Treasurer, President of Council, and Auditor and those serving by election under the statutory plan of government for cities under the general laws of Ohio are hereby terminated and ended as of the last day of December, 1979, and such offices are hereby abolished as of such date.
   The first election of officials including Mayor, members of Council, Director of Finance, Director of Law and President of Council, under this Charter shall be held at the fall election of 1979. The nominations and election shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Charter, as far as provided for, and if not provided for in this Charter, as provided by the general laws of Ohio.
   Officials elected at the election in November, 1979, shall assume office January 1, 1980.
   Public employment used within this Charter shall be defined as employment with the Federal, State, or Local Government.