(a)    Storm Sewer System. A storm sewer system shall be constructed by the developer to serve the subdivisions, and shall be built in accordance with the Construction Regulations.
   (b)    Minimum Cover. Minimum cover for storm sewer pipe shall be one foot clear from the bottom of the curb and gutter or from the bottom of the under drain to the outside top of the pipe except as approved by the City. Maintain a minimum of two feet of cover from the finished ground surface to the outside top of the pipe for any storm sewer system located beyond the limits of the street right of way.
   (c)    Endwalls. Standard endwalls are to be constructed at the inlet and outfall of all storm sewers, and shall be shown on the plan and profile.
   (d)    Erosion Control. Erosion control shall be provided at the outfall of all storm sewers and shown on the plan and profile. In addition, measures approved by the City shall be taken to control erosion during construction.
   (e)    Outfall Elevation. The invert of the first storm sewer appurtenance above the computed floodplain elevation.
   (f)    Minimum Size. Pipe for storm sewers shall not be less than twelve inches in diameter.
   (g)    Storm Sewer Calculations. Furnish all drainage calculations, drainage area outlines, and contributing areas used in drainage design.
   (h)    Inverts at Structures. The inverts of all curb inlets, manholes, yard inlets and other appurtenances shall be formed to reduce turbulence to a minimum.
   (i)    Surface Yard Inlets. All surface yard inlets shall have convex castings to prevent the collection of debris.
   (j)    Overland Flow. The maximum distance for overland flow shall be 300 feet before entering a surface yard inlet or 425 feet before entering a curb inlet. Except, that the maximum overland drainage area tributary to any yard inlet or curb inlet shall not exceed one and one-half acres.
   (k)    Curb Inlet Spacing. The maximum spacing for curb inlets shall not exceed 400 feet unless approved by the City.
   (l)   Maximum Storm Sewer Size. All storm water runoff shall be conducted through storm drainage systems up to and including the equivalent of a seventy-two inch inside diameter pipe.
   (m)    Watercourse Easement. Where an open watercourse is permitted, an easement shall be provided at least equal to the area required for the twenty-five year rainfall. Also, the easement shall be shown on the final plat as a watercourse and utility easement. Restrictions as to the use of this easement shall be shown on the final plat.
   (n)    Intersection Drainage. No water will be allowed to cross a street intersection unless it is carried in storm sewers.
   (o)    Cleanout Spacing. A cleanout shall be located no less than every 500 feet on lines where catchbasins are not present in sufficient number.
(Ord. 85-11. Passed 4-1-85.)