Any bona fide church, religious sect or congregation, or other public institution such as a school or hospital and which is located in St. Clairsville may erect signage subject to the following requirements:
(a) Directional Signs. Not more than three (3) directional signs may be erected in St. Clairsville provided the following requirements are met:
(1) Signs are not located within the public right-of-way.
(2) All church signs shall be of uniform design, size and construction as specified by the Planning Commission and Architectural Board of Review.
(3) The church or institution shall secure in writing permission from the owner of the property on which such signs shall be located. Such permission shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Administrator who will issue the required sign permit upon authorization by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(4) No sign shall exceed five (5) square feet in area not shall it exceed six (6) feet in height.
(b) Church and Institutional Bulletin Board. Any bona fide church, religious sect or congregation, community center or public or semi-public similar institutional use may erect and maintain for their own use a bulletin board or announcement sign not over twelve (12) square feet in area located on the same premises upon which such use is located. If not attached flat against a building, such sign shall be at least twelve (12) feet from all street line.
(Ord. 2003-27. Passed 5-5-03.)