The Director of Law shall be the head of the Law Department and shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation of the majority of Council, for a period not to exceed the Mayor’s term of office. He shall serve the Mayor, the Council, the Administrative Officers, Departments, Commissions and Boards of the City as legal counsel and shall represent the City in all proceedings in Court or before any administrative body. No person shall act as Director of Law unless duly admitted to practice the law in the State of Ohio.
The Director of Law shall perform all other duties now or hereafter imposed upon the City Solicitor by the laws of the State unless otherwise provided by ordinance of the Council, and he shall perform such other duties as the Council or Mayor may impose, consistent with his office. The Council may, from time to time, authorize the employment of special counsel for particular matters.
The Director of Law shall prepare all ordinances, resolutions, bonds, contracts and such other items as requested by Council. He must also be prepared to answer legal questions brought to him by the Mayor, Council, or other Administrative Officers. (Amended 11-7-00)