(a)   Accessory apartments are permitted as long as they are accessory to an existing residential structure and meet the following guidelines.
   (b)   For an accessory apartment attached to the principal structure:
      (1)   There shall be only one accessory apartment per dwelling unit on a lot.
      (2)   The principal dwelling shall be owner occupied.
      (3)   The total floor area of the accessory apartment shall not exceed 600 square feet or 30 % of the total area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less.
      (4)   All setbacks required for the principal structure, front, side and rear, shall be met by the accessory apartment.
      (5)   The height of the structure shall not exceed the height requirement for the zone it is located in.
      (6)   Public water and sewer must be provided.
      (7)   The front of the original principal structure must not change.
      (8)   An additional parking space shall be provided.
      (9)   The accessory structure must compliment the existing principal structure architecturally. Drawings by an architect must be prepared for the proposed apartment, i.e. exterior profiles and floor plans. These plans must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator and approved by the City prior to a permit being issued.
      (10)   A zoning permit with the appropriate fee is required.
   (c)   For an accessory apartment detached from the principal structure in an accessory structure; i.e. garage apartment:
      (1)   There shall be only one accessory apartment per dwelling unit on a lot.
      (2)   The principal dwelling shall be owner occupied.
      (3)   The total floor area of the accessory apartment shall not exceed 600 square feet or 30 % of the total area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less.
      (4)   The detached accessory apartment structure shall meet the side setback requirements for a principal structure for the zone it is located in.
      (5)   The rear yard setback requirement for a detached accessory apartment is five (5) feet.
      (6)   The height of the structure shall not exceed twenty (20) feet.
      (7)   Public water and sewer must be provided.
      (8)   An additional parking space shall be provided.
      (9)   The accessory structure must compliment the existing principal structure architecturally. Drawings by an architect must be prepared for the proposed apartment, i.e. exterior profiles and floor plans. These plans must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator and approved by the City prior to a permit being issued.
      (10)   A zoning permit with the appropriate fee is required.
         (Ord. 2003-27. Passed 5-5-03.)