(a)   Density Allocation and Maximum Site Disturbance.
      (1)   For all areas of the lot or parcel with less than a 15 percent slope, 100 percent site disturbance may occur. For areas of slope greater than 15 percent, the standards of this Chapter shall apply.
      (2)   Density and site disturbance shall be determined based upon the following table:
15 B 19.9%
1 unit per half-acre
20 B 24.9%
1 unit per acre
25 or greater
1 unit per 5 acres
      (3)   Site disturbance shall include all grading for the development of the property but shall not include any public or private street.
      (4)   A maximum of 10 percent increase in site disturbance shall be allowed for the construction of a driveway subject to staff level approval. Any increase in excess of 10 percent shall be subject to Planning Commission approval.
   (b)   Minimum Lot Area. The minimum lot area shall be 4,500 square feet.
   (c)   Lot Width and Depth. Lot width and depth of non-flag lots shall not exceed a ratio of 3 feet of width/depth for 1 foot of width/depth. For flag lots the following shall apply:
      (1)   The flag pole or panhandle portion of the lot shall be a minimum of twenty- four (24) feet wide, and the depth of the flag pole or panhandle shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet as measured from the adjacent public or private street.
      (2)   The non-flag portion of a flag lot shall be subject to the lot width/depth ratios for non-flag lots.
      (3)   The flagpole or panhandle portion of the lot shall not be included in calculating lot size.
   (d)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Single Family Residential. Single family residential shall provide the following setbacks:
         A.   Front:   Twenty (20) feet
         B.   Rear:   Fifteen (15) feet
         C.   Side:   Five (5) feet
   (e)   Building Height. No structure shall exceed a height of thirty-five (35) feet.
   (f)   Grading Standards. All development subject to the provisions of the Hillside Overlay District shall have a grading plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The review process for the grading plan shall coincide with the hillside development plan review process. The grading scheme shall be shown as a separate grading plan. All development shall meet the following criteria:
      (1)   The portions of the site or lot to be graded must be clearly shown on the grading plan.
      (2)   The site or grading plan shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator prior to any grubbing, grading, or clearing. Grubbing, grading, and clearing are to occur only within the areas identified on the approved grading plan.
      (3)   All portions of the site or lot to be left ungraded are to remain undisturbed areas and are not to be used for stockpiling of materials or excess fill.
      (4)   If the vertical distance of retained material is steeper than 2:1, a retaining wall must be used. In no case can the vertical distance of retained material exceed thirty-five feet and a width of one hundred fifty (150) feet.
      (5)   Exposed cut and fill slopes shall be revegetated in accordance with this chapter.
      (6)   Prior to any cut or fill on slopes that encroach into a floodplain the cut or fill design must first be approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
      (7)   The grading plan shall include a statement which certifies all finished floor elevations are 18-inches above the 100 year base flood elevation.
      (8)   Excess material shall be hauled to an appropriate off-site disposal area.
      (9)   All site revegetation shall be completed within 90-days of completion of work or prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs first.
      (10)   Clean fill must be used per the City of Ohio Department of Transportation standards.