(a) Parks and Squares Use.
(1) Land use.
A. Land designated for Parks and Squares Use shall be tracts consisting of parks, squares, edge areas, and Civic Use lots and buildings.
B. The only buildings permitted in Parks and Squares Use tracts shall be Civic Use buildings.
C. A maximum of 15 percent of a park or square may be used as a Civic Use lot.
D. Large-area recreational uses requiring more than three (3) acres of land, such as golf courses and multiple ball fields, shall be located outside the neighborhood proper, but may be located within edge areas between neighborhoods proper.
(2) Land allocation.
A. A minimum of 5 percent of the gross area of the neighborhood proper shall be permanently allocated to tracts totally composed of parks or squares. No single square or park can be more than 45 percent of the Parks and Squares Use area.
B. Squares and parks shall have at least 50 percent of their perimeter abutting streets. A square shall be surrounded by Shopfront Use lots or Rowhouse Use lots on at least 60 percent of its perimeter (perimeter being defined as the aggregate of the frontage lines of the surrounding lots). Such lots surrounding the square shall serve as a focal point for the social life of the neighborhood by providing a neighborhood store, bus stop, and/or other neighborhood services. In addition, it is strongly recommended that a day care center be provided. Parks shall be surrounded by building frontage lines whose collective linear footage is equivalent to at least 50 percent of the park perimeter's linear footage.
(3) Parking.
A. Parking on Parks and Squares Use tracts shall be restricted to required parking for Civic Use facilities located thereon.
(b) Civic Use.
(1) Land use.
A. Land designated for Civic Use shall be lots containing community buildings which shall be open to the public, including, but not limited to, meeting halls, libraries, schools, day care centers, police stations, fire stations, post offices, clubhouses, religious buildings, museums, cultural societies, visual and performance arts buildings, and governmental buildings.
B. The maintenance of commonly-owned buildings on Civic Use lots shall be supported by a permanent assessment dedicated to this purpose and administered according to the common maintenance provisions provided in the Ownership and Maintenance of Common Open Space(s) and Civic Use Buildings section.
(2) Land allocation.
A. Civic Use building lots shall constitute a minimum of 2 percent of the gross area of the neighborhood proper.
B. Civic Use lots shall be located within or adjacent to a square or park tract, or on a lot terminating a street vista.
C. The developer shall include a covenant in the property owners association or condominium association documents to construct a meeting hall or clubhouse on a Civic Use lot, on or adjacent to the mandatory square, upon the sale of 50 percent of the lots and/or units of the neighborhood proper end users.
(3) Lots and buildings.
A. Buildings located on Civic Use lots do not have a height limit.
(4) Parking.
B. When on-site parking is provided, no less than 75 percent of the off- street parking places shall be to the rear of the building. Access may be through the frontage.
(5) Signage.
A. Two wall signs, not to exceed a combined total of 16 square feet, shall be permitted for each building.
(c) Shopfront Use.
(1) Land use.
A. Land designated for Shopfront Use shall be in building lots containing buildings for residential, including lodging, and commercial uses as provided in the General Commercial District, and other similar uses as approved by Council at the time of rezoning to TND, except those listed as prohibited uses, general development criteria.
B. Residential uses are not permitted on the ground floors of Shopfront Use buildings.
C. An outbuilding is permitted on each lot.
(2) Land allocation.
A. Shopfront Use building lots shall comprise a minimum of 2 percent and a maximum of 30 percent of the gross area of the neighborhood proper.
B. A maximum of two (2) Shopfront Use lots may be consolidated for the purpose of constructing a single building.
C. A maximum of 50 percent of all Shopfront Use lots may be consolidated.
D. A minimum of two (2) Shopfront Use lots shall front on the mandatory square.
(3) Lots and buildings.
A. Street-front entries shall be at grade to allow handicap access.
B. Buildings on Shopfront Use lots shall have the facade built directly on the frontage line along at least 70 percent of its linear frontage. For lots at street intersections, the building shall be built directly on the side street frontage for at least 50 percent of its linear frontage.
C. The unbuilt portion of the frontage line shall have a decorative screening wall built directly upon it. Walls shall have an opening at no more than 100 feet to allow pedestrian access.
D. Buildings on Shopfront Use lots shall have a setback of zero feet along at least one side property line. There shall be no required rear setback.
E. Buildings on Shopfront Use lots shall be at least 2 stories in height and shall not exceed 4 stories in height.
F. Unenclosed balconies shall be permitted to extend up to 6 feet over the sidewalk.
G. Colonnades are required when Shopfront Use lots front on the mandatory square. Enclosed space shall be permitted directly above the sidewalk.
(4) Parking.
A. No less than 75 percent of the parking spaces shall be to the rear of the building. Access may be through the frontage only if an alley or side street providing access to the alley is not within 200 linear feet of the lot.
(5) Signage.
A. All signs shall be wall signs or cantilever signs. Signs shall not exceed a cumulative total of 24 square feet per building, with no more than three (3) signs per building. Individual cantilever signs shall be mounted perpendicular to the building face and shall not exceed eight (8) square feet. No sign shall be mounted above the first floor of the building.
(d) Rowhouse Use.
(1) Land use.
A. Land designated for Rowhouse Use shall be on lots containing buildings for residential uses including townhouse, family day care, and limited office, limited lodging, and artisanal use. Where non- residential uses are proposed, at least fifty percent (50%) of the gross square footage shall be restricted to residential use for each Rowhouse land use district.
B. 100 percent of the building area above the ground floor shall be designated for residential use.
C. An outbuilding is permitted on each lot.
(2) Land allocation.
A. Rowhouse and/or House Use building lots shall constitute a minimum of 20 percent and a maximum of 60 percent of the gross area of the neighborhood proper.
B. A maximum of five (5) Rowhouse Use lots may be consolidated for constructing a single building containing multi-family dwellings.
C. A maximum of 50 percent of all Rowhouse Use lots may be consolidated.
(3) Lots and buildings.
A. No minimum or maximum lot width.
B. Rowhouse Use buildings with the minimum setback shall have their front entry set to one side of the facade.
C. Rowhouse Use buildings shall be attached (built with no side setback or as a single building) at not less than five (5) unit segments. Lots comprising the end of the block adjacent to the street or alley may be attached in segments of two (2) to five (5) units.
D. Buildings on Rowhouse Use lots shall be set back zero (0) to fifteen (15) feet from the frontage line. Buildings at street intersections shall be set back six (6) feet from frontage line and side street line. Setback requirements shall apply to the enclosed portion of the buildings only.
E. Buildings on Rowhouse Use lots shall have a setback of zero feet from at least one side property line. There shall be no required rear setback.
F. Outbuildings shall have no required setbacks.
G. Setbacks on consolidated Rowhouse Use lots shall apply as in a single lot.
H. Buildings on Rowhouse Use lots shall not exceed four (4) stories in height and, when fronting a square, be no less than three (3) stories in height. A cornice line shall be used to define the first floor.
I. Buildings on Rowhouse Use lots shall be raised a minimum of 18 inches from finished exterior sidewalk grade.
J. A minimum of 30 percent of the building lot area shall be developed as private open space.
K. Rowhouse Use lots shall have a streetedge built along the unbuilt parts of the frontage line.
L. A minimum of 25 percent of the buildings on Rowhouse Use lots shall have front porches. Front porches may encroach beyond the build-to line and shall count towards private open space requirements.
(4) Parking.
A. All off-street parking places shall be to the rear of the building. Access shall be through a vehicular alley only.
(5) Signage.
A. All signs shall be wall signs. Signs shall be limited to 2 per building and shall not exceed a cumulative total of 4 square feet. No signs shall be mounted above the first floor of a structure.
B. Entry features are not included in the above signage totals.
(e) House Use.
(1) Land use.
A. Land designated for House Use shall be on lots containing buildings for residential uses, including single-family houses, guest houses as outbuildings, home occupations pursuant to Chapter 1147.
B. One hundred percent (100%) of the building area above the ground floor shall be designated for residential use.
C. An outbuilding is permitted on each lot.
(2) Land allocation.
A. House and/or Rowhouse Use building lots shall constitute a minimum of 20 percent and a maximum of 60 percent of the gross area of the neighborhood proper.
B. A maximum of two House Use lots may be consolidated for constructing a single residence.
C. A maximum of 50 percent of all House Use lots may be consolidated.
(3) Lots and buildings.
A. Buildings on House Use lots shall be set back 0 to 20 feet from the frontage line.
B. Buildings at street intersections shall be set back 10 feet from the frontage line and the side street frontage.
C. House Use building lots shall have a maximum width of 75 feet.
D. Setbacks on consolidated House Use lots shall apply as on a single lot.
E. Buildings on House Use lots shall be set back from the side building lot lines equivalent (in total) to at least 20 percent of the width of the building lot. The entire setback may be allocated to one side.
F. Buildings on House Use lots shall be set back no less than 20 feet from the rear lot line. Outbuildings on House Use lots shall have no required setback.
G. Buildings on House Use lots shall not exceed 3 stories in height.
H. Buildings on House Use lots shall have a streetedge built along the frontage line.
I. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the buildings on House Use lots shall have front porches. Front porches may encroach into the front setback.
(4) Parking.
A. All off-street parking places shall be to the side or the rear of the building. Where no alley access exists and vehicular access is through the frontage, garage or carports shall be located a minimum of 20 feet behind the front building setback.
(f) Workplace Use.
(1) Land use.
A. Land designated for Workplace Use shall contain buildings for any of the uses contained in the Commercial or Office/Institutional.
(2) Land allocation.
A. Workplace Use building lots shall constitute a minimum of two percent and a maximum of twenty percent of the gross area of the neighborhood proper.
B. All Workplace Use lots shall be located within one geographic area with no intervening uses.
(3) Lots and buildings.
A. Buildings on Workplace Use lots shall have a setback of 0 to 5 feet from the frontage line. The setback at street intersections shall not exceed 5 feet from the frontage line and the side street line. Buildings have no setbacks from the side or rear lot lines.
B. Street-front entries shall be at grade to allow handicap access.
C. A minimum of 15 percent of the building lot area shall be developed as landscaped open space.
D. Buildings on Workplace Use lots shall not exceed 3 stories in height.
E. Workplace Use lots shall be separated from other use types at the side and rear lot lines (excepting an entry on the alley) by a continuous masonry wall no less than three feet and no more than eight feet in height. Walls shall have an opening at no more than 100 feet to allow pedestrian access.
F. Workplace Use building lots shall have a maximum width of 300 feet.
(4) Parking.
A. Off-street parking places shall be to the side or the rear of the building.
(5) Signage.
A. Refer to Board of Architectural Review standards.