(a) Purpose. The purpose of the Community Facilities District is to provide zoning classification for governmental, civic, recreational, and similar Community Facilities in proper location and extent so as to promote the general safety, convenience, comfort, and welfare. The Community Facilities District encourages the use of existing facilities and regulates the location of new facilities to ensure their proper functioning in consideration of traffic, access and general compatibility and to minimize the adverse visual effects on surrounding areas through design and landscaping standards. The district is designed to protect community facilities and institutions from the encroachment of certain other uses and to make sure such uses are compatible with adjoining residential uses.
(b) Permitted Principal Uses.
City, County, State, and Federal Government buildings | Art galleries, libraries, museums, memorials, monuments, and other public facilities | Primary and secondary public, private, or parochial schools |
Nursery schools and other educational institutions | General and special hospitals and clinics, convalescent centers | Institutions for the care of children or senior citizens |
Government recreational facilities including parks, open space, nature preserves | Churches | Parks |
(Ord. 2004-51. Passed 10-4-04.)
(c) Permitted Accessory Uses.
Accessory uses, buildings, or structures customarily incidental to the aforestated uses | Signs |
Residences for custodians or guards | Internal food service |
(d) Conditional Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the CF District subject to meeting the requirements of that use and subject to approval in accordance with Chapter 1135:
(1) Cemeteries
A. The site shall have direct access to a road that the Board of Zoning Appeals determines is adequate to serve the size of facility proposed.
B. Any new cemetery shall be located on a site containing not less than ten (10) acres.
C. All buildings, including but not limited to mausoleums and maintenance buildings, shall not be located within 300 feet of any property line.
D. All graves or burial lots shall be set back not less than one hundred (100) feet from any property line.
E. All required yards should be landscaped and maintained in good order in accordance with state and local regulations.
F. A plan for perpetual care of the grounds shall be required.
(e) Dimensional Requirements. In addition to any other provisions of this Ordinance, all lands and uses within the Community Facilities District shall be developed in strict compliance with the standards hereinafter established:
(1) No area, frontage or yard regulations shall apply except for a lot which abuts a Residential District. In this case, the front yard of the business shall be equal to 33the front yard requirement of the abutting Residential District. Each side yard shall be equal to the height of the building plus five (5) feet and the rear yard requirements shall also be equal to the rear yard requirement of the abutting Residential District.
(2) Building height limits: no building in this district shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height measured from the finished grade established not closer than fifteen (l5) feet to any exterior wall of the structure. No aerial antenna or tower shall be constructed to a height greater than the distance from the center of the base thereof to the nearest property line less (10) feet of said tract.
(3) Lot coverage: on no lot or parcel in this zoning district shall buildings be constructed which cover more than fifty (50) percent of the lot area.
(Ord. 2001-48. Passed 4-19-01.)