(a)    Purpose. The intent of the Office and Institution District (OI) is to provide within the City of St. Clairsville adequate space that can be made available in accordance with current development trends and standards. The OI District is intended for offices and institutions that may locate independently or in small clusters and that may desire buildings or groups of buildings surrounded by landscaped open areas away from the concentrations of people and traffic of retail areas in the Municipality. The space, location and aesthetic characteristics of these uses make a location near low density residential neighborhoods or rural countryside desirable.
   (b)     Permitted Uses.   Land and buildings in the Office and Institutional District (OI) shall be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   Administrative and Business Offices. Administrative offices primarily engaged in general administration, supervision, purchasing, accounting and other management functions and business offices carrying on no retail trade with the general public and having no stock of goods maintained for sale to customers, including financial services, real estate and insurance.
      (2)   Professional Offices. Professional offices engaged in providing tangible and intangible services to the general public, involving both persons and their possessions, including: offices of physicians and surgeons, dentists and dental surgeons, osteopathic physicians, and chiropractors, medical and dental laboratories, health and allied services, legal services, design services including engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic arts and interior design, accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services, and professional services not elsewhere classified.
      (3)   Institution. Institutions providing social, cultural, educational and health services to member agencies, organizations and individuals or to the general public, including: hospitals, elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, vocational schools, professional schools, libraries, museums and art galleries, religious organizations, congregate care elderly facilities, unassisted elderly facilities.
      (4)   Organizations and Associations. Organizations and associations organized on a profit-making or nonprofit-making basis, for the promotion of membership interests, including: business associations, professional membership organizations, labor unions and similar labor organizations, civic, social and fraternal associations, political organizations, charitable organizations, and nonprofit membership organizations not elsewhere classified.
      (5)   Residential Dwelling ancillary and subordinate to a principal permitted use.
      (6)   Churches. Churches and other similar places of worship and parish houses.
         (Ord. 2001-48. Passed 4-19-01.)
      (7)   Parks. (Ord. 2004-51. Passed 10-4-04.)
   (c)     Permitted Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Accessory uses, buildings or other structures customarily incidental to any of the foregoing permitted uses.
      (2)   Off-street parking and loading spaces as regulated by Chapter 1148.
      (3)    Signs as regulated by Chapter 1151.
   (d)   Conditional Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the OI District subject to meeting the requirements of that use and subject to approval in accordance with Chapter 1135:
      (1)   Drive-up window service. Drive-up window service or outdoor service facilities developed in association with a principal permitted use.
      (2)   Personal Services. Personal services generally involving the care of the person or his/her apparel, including: photographic services and commercial photography, beauty shops, barber shops, and funeral service and crematories.
      (3)   Educational and Research. Educational and research establishments engaged in providing tangible and intangible services to members or the general public, including: research, development and testing laboratories, school and educational services not elsewhere classified, and nonprofit educational and scientific research agencies.
      (4)   Food and Lodging. Food and lodging includes commercial establishments and institutions engaged in furnishing lodging and meals on a fee basis, including: eating and drinking places, and organizational hotels and lodging houses on a membership basis.
      (5)   Offices of Veterinarian and Animal Hospitals.
      (6)   Children's Nurseries, Day Care Centers, and Pre-schools provided that:
         A.   The building occupied by the use is compatible with neighborhood structures in dimension, size, and architecture.
         B.   There is an outdoor play area of eighty-five (85) square feet or more per child.
         C.   Such play area shall be enclosed with a fence to control accessibility of children to adjoining hazardous conditions such as streets, ponds, etc., or adjacent yards.
         D.   A drop off area is provided so that children do not have to walk through the parking lot to enter the facility.
         E.   Parking spaces are provided as specified in Chapter 1148.
         F.   The facility meets or exceeds State of Ohio provisions for daycare operations.
   (e)    Dimensional Requirements.
      (1)   Lot and Building Requirements. The following lot and building requirements are minimum standards, except where noted, and shall apply in the Office and Institutional District (OI):
         A.   Lot area: No minimum lot area is required, however, all lots shall abut an improved public right-of-way and lot area shall be adequate to provide the required yard space.
         B.   Lot coverage (maximum): No maximum lot coverage is required, however, the lot coverage shall be adequate to provide the yard space required.
         C.   Lot width: No minimum lot width is required, however, all lots shall abut an improved public right-of-way and have adequate width to provide the required yard space and meet minimum access requirements.
         D.   Front yard setback: The minimum front yard setback shall be the average of the existing adjacent commercial structures on the same side of the street and facing thereon within the same block. Where there are no adjacent commercial structures, the building line shall not be less than twenty–five (25) feet measured from the street right-of-way.
         E.   Side yard setback: For main and accessory structures, including open service and loading areas, the required side yard shall be not less than twenty (20) feet, unless adjacent to any residential zoning district, Planned Residential District, and Planned Unit District whereby the side yard shall be no less than fifty (50) feet.
         F.   Rear yard setback: For main and accessory structures the required rear yard shall be not less than twenty (20) feet, unless adjacent to any residential zoning district, Planned Residential District, and Planned Unit District whereby the rear yard shall be no less than fifty (50) feet. A use to be serviced from the rear shall have a service court, alleyway or combination thereof not less than forty (40) feet in width.
   (f)   Supplemental Standards. The following supplemental standards shall apply within the Office and Institutional District (OI):
      (1)   No building shall exceed forty (40) feet in height, nor more than three (3) stories in height.
      (2)   Applicable standards shall be met in corresponding chapters of this Zoning Ordinance. (Ord. 2001-48. Passed 4-19-01.)