(a)   Purpose. The intent of the Downtown District (DD) is to provide within the City of St. Clairsville an area for business and service establishments that is pleasant, safe, and convenient to the population.
   (b)   Permitted Principal Uses
Office facilities
providing personal
Offices of credit
agencies, banks, loan
offices, or similar
All types of residential uses, i.e., single-family, duplexes, multi-family, commercial use of the first floor is encouraged
Barber and
beauty shop
Bake goods shop
Candy/ice cream store
Copy shops
Drug store
Electronics retail and repair
Antique stores
Shoe repair
Restaurants and cafes
Office facilities
providing professional services
Grocery store
Sporting goods
Health studios
Photo studios
Recording studio
Retail clothing store
Variety stores
Public or semi-public
Furniture stores
Hotels and
Educational Institutions
Watch, clock, and
jewelry sales and
Retail sales establishments and day care centers
(Ord. 2021-38. Passed 1-3-22.)
   (c)    Permitted Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Accessory uses, buildings or other structures customarily incidental to any of the foregoing permitted uses.
      (2)   Off-street parking and loading spaces as regulated by Chapter 1148.
      (3)    Signs as regulated by Chapter 1151.
   (d)   Conditional Uses. None.
   (e)    Dimensional Requirements. In addition to any other provisions of this Ordinance, all lands and uses within the Downtown District shall be developed in strict compliance with the standards hereinafter established:
      (1)   No area, frontage or yard regulations shall apply except for a lot which abuts a Residential District. In this case, the front yard of the business shall be equal to the front yard requirement of the abutting Residential District. Each side yard shall be equal to the height of the building plus five (5) feet and the rear yard requirements shall also be equal to the rear yard requirement of the abutting Residential District.
      (2)   Rear and Side Yard setbacks: None.
      (3)   Building height limits: No building in this district shall exceed fifty-five (55) feet in height measured from the finished grade established not closer than fifteen (l5) feet to the frontage exterior wall of the structure. No aerial antenna or tower shall be constructed in the Historic Downtown District.
      (4)   Lot coverage: On no lot or parcel in this zoning district shall buildings be constructed which cover more than eight-five (85) percent of the lot area.
         (Ord. 2001-48. Passed 4-19-01.)