(a)    Purpose. The purpose of the Corridor District (CD) is to allow for the conversion of residential property to low intensity office and low intensity commercial uses while preserving the residential character of the neighborhood, protecting existing residential property and preserving the appearance of the corridors. The Corridor District also allows for the conversion of property intended for new construction for low intensity office or low intensity commercial use if built to the City’s architectural standards and provided the Architectural Board of Review permits the demolition of an existing structure. (Ord. 2003-27. Passed 5-5-03.)
   (b)   Permitted Principal Uses. The following uses are permitted in the Corridor District.
Single family detached dwellings
(Ord. 2004-51. Passed 10-14-04.)
   (c)   Permitted Accessory Uses. The following accessory uses are permitted in the Corridor District.
Accessory structures
including accessory
Private swimming pools.
Fences as regulated by
Chapter 1147.
Satellite dish antennas and
aerial antennas as
regulated by Chapter
Off-street parking and
loading spaces as regulated
by Chapter 1148.
Signs as regulated in
Chapter 1151.
   (d)    Conditional Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the Corridor District subject to the following requirements and subject to approval in accordance with Chapter 1135. In addition to the above requirements, all applicants applying for a conditional use permit will be subject to architectural review.
      (1)   Offices providing professional or personal services.
      (2)   Antique shops
      (3)   Curio shops
      (4)   Craft or hobby shops
      (5)   Photography studio
      (6)   Barber or beauty shops
      (7)   Duplexes
      (8)   Bed and Breakfasts
      (9)   Nursery School
      (10)   Nursing Home
   (e)   General Standards.
      (1)   Conversions of property can only occur when (1) the parcel/structure to be converted is adjacent to a parcel with an existing business on at least one side lot line, (2) unless the business owner lives in the home where the business will be conducted, (3) the business owner resides on the lot adjacent to where the business will be conducted.
      (2)   No traffic shall be generated by such conditional use in greater volume than the current street network can support, and any need for parking generated by the use shall meet the off-street parking requirements as specified in this Ordinance. Paved parking must be provided. Such parking shall not be located in a required front yard, and shall be setback at least ten (10) feet from the building elevation bordering the principle street.
      (3)   Only one access point to a public street is permitted.
      (4)   Landscape standards of Chapter 1149 apply.
      (5)   All applicable design standards must be followed.
      (6)   Signs – Refer to the Architectural Board of Review design standards
      (7)   Appearance of Structure - Refer to the Architectural Board of Review design standards
   (f)    Dimensional Requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet
      (2)   Frontage (Width): Fifty (50) feet
      (3)   Maximum Height: twenty-five (25) feet
      (4)   Front yard setback: The minimum front yard setback shall be determined by averaging the existing building lines of the two (2) parcels adjacent to the subject parcel. If an adjacent parcel or parcels are absent of principal structures, then the next adjacent parcel with a principal structure shall be used in calculating the setback. For corner lots, the setback for the structure on the secondary street side shall be the same as the principal structure on the adjacent lot on the secondary street, unless a hazardous situation is created. In such situations city staff will review individually. In cases of new development, the minimum setback will be twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way line. The maximum setback shall not be more than the average of the houses on either side of the subject parcel, nor more than fifty (50) feet in new developments.
      (5)   Side yard setback, principal building: Ten (10) feet
      (6)   Rear lot line setback: Fifteen (15) feet
         (Ord. 2003-27. Passed 5-5-03.)