(a)   Purpose. The purpose of the R-2 Residential District is to promote higher density single family and multi-family dwellings serviced by public water and sanitary sewer systems. Medium density residential districts serve as a buffer between Low Density Residential Districts and the commercial districts.
   (b)   Permitted Principal Uses. The following uses are permitted in the Residential (R-2) District.
Single family detached
(Ord. 2004-51. Passed 10-4-04.)
   (c)   Permitted Accessory Uses. The following accessory uses are permitted in the R-2 District.
Accessory structures
including accessory
Private swimming
Fences as
regulated by
Chapter 1147.
   (d)    Conditional Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the R-2 District subject to meeting the requirements of that use and subject to approval in accordance with Chapter 1135:
      (1)    Multi-Family Residential. 
         A.   General Standards.
            1.   Multiple-unit residential structures shall not exceed four (4) units per building.
            2.   Accessory buildings and uses in association with a permitted multiple-unit residential structure, such as recreational facilities or garages for tenant vehicles are encouraged.
         B.   Development Standards. The following lot and building requirements are minimum standards, except where noted, and shall apply to Multi-Family Residential Dwellings.
            1.   Lot area. Fifteen (15,000) square feet plus thirty-five hundred (3,500) square feet per dwelling unit.
            2.   Lot coverage (maximum): Thirty-five (35) percent.
            3.   Lot width: Ninety (90) feet of frontage on an improved public right-of-way
            4.   The minimum front yard setback shall be determined by averaging the existing building lines of the two (2) parcels adjacent to the subject parcel. If an adjacent parcel or parcels are absent of principal structures, then the next adjacent parcel with a principal structure shall be used in calculating the setback. Once the setback has been determined, the proposed structure must be within three feet of the required setback. For corner lots, the setback shall be calculated by the average of the existing building line of the adjacent parcel on the principal street. In cases of new development, the minimum setback will be twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way line.
            5.   Side yard setback: Fifteen (15) feet
            6.   Rear yard setback: Twenty-five (25) feet; an accessory building may be located in the rear yard no less than ten (10) feet from the rear property line.
               (Ord. 2007-06. Passed 3-19-07.)
         C.   Supplemental Standards. The following supplemental standards shall apply to Multi-Family Residential Dwellings.
            1.   No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, nor more than two and one-half (2 ½) stories in height.
            2.   Applicable standards shall be met in corresponding sections of this Ordinance.
            3.   Two (2) or more multiple-unit structures located on the same lot shall locate no closer than twenty (20) feet to each other.
            4.   Parking is prohibited in the front yard.
            5.   All facades must be architecturally compatible with existing neighborhood structures.
            6.   Garages must be provided for each unit.
      (2)    Bed & Breakfasts.
         A.   The structure must be a single family, detached dwelling.
         B.   There shall be no more than four (4) separate guest rooms within a single family dwelling that are utilized by bed and breakfast guests nor more than twenty-five (25) percent of a dwelling's net floor area, whichever is greater. A guest room shall contain no less than one hundred (100) square feet of living space, not including closets, for two guests and thirty (30) square feet for each additional guest up to a total of four (4) guests per room.
         C.   The owner/operator of the bed and breakfast shall live full-time on the inn's premises. Such owner/operator shall be the owner of record of no less than fifty (50) percent interest of the property in question.
         D.   Written approval from fire and health officers shall be required for each conditional use application requesting approval for a bed and breakfast inn. Each guest room shall contain a separate installed smoke detector alarm approved by the fire officer. No premises shall be utilized for a bed and breakfast inn unless there are at least two (2) separate exits to the outdoors.
         E.   No more than one (1) meal shall be served to each paying guest of the bed and breakfast inn and that meal shall be breakfast.
         F.   A paying guest may stay at a bed and breakfast inn for not more than seven (7) consecutive nights at any single visit nor more than a total of twenty-eight (28) nights in any given year.
         G.   Only one (1) kitchen facility shall be permitted per structure for which a conditional use is granted to operate a bed and breakfast inn. No cooking facilities shall be permitted in individual guest quarters.
         H.   A minimum of one (1) full bathroom, including shower, toilet and sink, shall be required for every two (2) guest rooms to be available for the exclusive use of bed and breakfast paying guests. Bed and breakfast inns shall be serviced by public sanitary sewer and water service.
         I.   A guest register listing the name, address, phone number, and dates of stay of all paying guests shall be maintained by the owner/operator and shall be made available for inspection by Municipal officials.
         J.   Rental of the bed and breakfast inn for special gatherings such as wedding receptions and parties shall be prohibited in all residential zoning districts or properties adjacent to a residential zoning district.
         K.   Bed and breakfast inns shall not be permitted and a conditional use shall be revoked or suspended by City Council whenever the operation has been found by the Planning and Zoning Administrator to conflict with or violate public nuisance regulations.
         L.   No more than two (2) individuals who are non-residents of the dwelling may be employed in the operation of a bed and breakfast inn, whether or not compensated.
      (3)   Rest homes, nursing homes, children's nurseries or day care centers, and preschools:
         A.   The building occupied by the use is compatible with neighborhood structures in dimension, size, and architecture.
         B.   There is an outdoor play area of eighty-five (85) square feet or more per child.
         C.   Such play area shall be enclosed with a chain link fence or its equivalent in strength and protective character to a height of five (5) feet to control accessibility of children to adjoining hazardous conditions such as streets, ponds, etc., or adjacent yards.
         D.   A drop off area is provided.
         E.   Parking spaces are provided as specified in Chapter 1148.
         F.   The facility meets or exceeds State of Ohio provisions for such an operation.
      (4)    Educational Institutions. (Ord. 2003-27. Passed 5-5-03.)
   (e)   Dimensional Requirements.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: five thousand (5,000) square feet
      (2)   Maximum lot area: eight thousand (8,000) square feet
      (3)   Minimum lot frontage: forty (40) feet; twenty-five (25) feet on cul-de-sac
      (4)   Maximum Height: thirty-five (35) feet
      (5)   Maximum Lot Coverage: fifty (50%) percent
      (6)   Front yard setback: The minimum front yard setback shall be determined by averaging the existing building lines of the two (2) parcels adjacent to the subject parcel. If an adjacent parcel or parcels are absent of principal structures, then the next adjacent parcel with a principal structure shall be used in calculating the setback. Once the setback has been determined, the proposed structure must be within three feet of the required setback. For corner lots, the setback for the structure on the secondary street side shall be the same as the principal structure on the adjacent lot on the secondary street, unless a hazardous situation is created. In such situations city staff will review individually. In cases of new development, the minimum setback will be twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way line. The maximum setback shall not be more than the average of the houses on either side of the subject parcel, nor more than fifty (50) feet in new developments.
      (7)   Side yard setback, principal structure: Total of ten (10) feet with one side at least three (3) feet
      (8)   Rear lot line setback, principal structure: Fifteen (15) feet
         (Ord. 2007-06. Passed 3-19-07.)