(a) Site development plans shall be prepared by persons professionally qualified to do such work. Final site plans shall be certified by a registered architect, registered landscape architect, member of the American Institute of Certified Planner or an engineer duly registered by the State of Ohio, and include a boundary survey certified by a land surveyor duly registered by the State of Ohio.
(b) Every site plan shall show the name of the development, the name and address of the owner and developer, north point, date, scale, professional’s stamp and number of sheets.
(c) Site development plan may be prepared on one (1) or more sheets to show clearly the information required by this section and to facilitate the review and approval of the plan. If prepared on more than one (1) sheet, match lines shall clearly indicate where the several sheets join.
(d) A site development plan shall be prepared at a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet or larger. No sheet shall exceed forty-two (42) inches in size. Three (3) copies shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator for all developments.
(e) Profiles must be submitted on standard plan profile sheets. Special studies as required may be submitted on standard cross section paper and shall have a scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet horizontally and one (1) inch equals five (5) feet vertically. No sheet size shall exceed forty-two (42) inches.
(f) All horizontal distances shown on the site plan shall be in feet and decimals of a foot to the closest one-tenth (.1) of a foot; and all bearings in degrees to the nearest ten (10) seconds.