(a) The following uses are deemed temporary in nature and are subject to the specific conditions and time limitations that follow and to the regulations of any district in which such use is located. In addition, any use listed within this Chapter may be conditionally permitted only upon a finding by the Board of Zoning Appeals that such a use complies with the requirements of Chapter 1135.
(1) Carnivals, circuses, tent meetings, bazaars, political rallies, festivals, art shows, or other similar public events may be conditionally permitted upon church, school or other similar sites within any district.
(2) The temporary placement of a mobile home upon a lot which already contains a residential structure may be permitted where the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that special circumstances or conditions such as fires, windstorms, or other similar events which are fully described in the findings of the Board, have existed so that the use of a temporary residential structure is necessary in order to prevent exceptional hardship to the applicant, provided that such a temporary structure does not represent a hazard to the safety, health, or welfare of the community.
(b) An applicant for a temporary conditional use permit must produce a written statement from the Director of Public Services along with a permit from the County Health Department, if applicable, approving the water supply and wastewater disposal system of the temporary mobile home location. Such permit may be initially issued for the nine (9) months, renewable for up to three (3) months for all permits, not exceeding a total of twelve (12) months.
(Ord. 2007-06. Passed 3-19-07.)