The Board of Zoning Appeals shall approve an application for a conditional use subject to reasonable conditions and restrictions that are directly related to a proposed conditional use. The following general standards shall be met.
   (a)   The proposed use is compatible with the goals of the City.
   (b)   The proposed use shall be in harmony with the appropriate and orderly development of the district it is located in. The Board shall look at the location and size of the use, the intensity of the proposed use, the parcel size in relation to the use and the access to the site.
   (c)   The proposed will be developed so it does not hinder the appropriate development and use of adjacent property.
   (d)   Neighborhood character and surrounding property values shall be safeguarded.
   (e)   The proposed use shall not create offensive noise and uses that are detrimental to the public interest of the City.
   (f)   Any parking lot shall be of adequate size for the proposed use or uses, and shall be properly located and screened from adjoining lots. Adequate parking shall be provided in order to deter parking on the public street.
   (g)   The use shall be located with respect to infrastructure, such as streets, water, sewer, etc.
   (h)   The character of the proposed uses structures shall be in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood and shall meet all bulk requirements and code regulations.
   (i)   The proposed use conforms to all the regulations or this Code and particularly to the specified supplementary regulations that apply to the use.
      (Ord. 2003-27. Passed 5-5-03.)