Building Movers
150.001 Bond
150.002 Insurance
150.003 Fee
State Building Code
150.015 Codes adopted by reference
150.016 Application, administration, and enforcement
150.017 Permits and fees
150.018 Building Code optional chapters
Electrical Requirements
150.030 Application of chapter
150.031 Electrical Inspector; qualifications and appointment
150.032 Electrical permits
150.033 Adoption of State Board of Electricity rules and regulations by reference
150.045 Excavation permit required
150.046 Application for permit
150.047 Duty of City Manager
150.048 Emergency action
150.049 Noncompletion or abandonment
150.050 Indemnification
150.051 Exemption from fee payment and insurance provisions
150.052 Refusal of permits
Swimming Pools
150.065 Definition
150.066 Permit requirements
150.067 Location requirements
150.068 Safety requirements
150.069 Lighting requirements
150.070 Noise
150.071 Inspections
150.072 Existing swimming pools
150.073 Discharge of pool water
150.085 Definitions
150.086 Zoning permits required
150.087 Requirements
150.088 Construction and maintenance
150.089 Prohibitions
150.999 Penalty
Any person applying for a permit to move a building into the city or relocating a building on a lot or tract of land may be required by the City Council to furnish the city with a surety bond to guarantee that any damaged public property, easements, streets, or utilities will be promptly and completely repaired or replaced in a manner satisfactory to the city at the expense of the applicant, and the reconstruction or remodeling of the structure to meet the requirements of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.001)
The applicant for a permit to move or relocate a building must provide the City Building Official with a copy of sufficient and adequate insurance to protect the city and the public from any and all damages which may result either directly or indirectly from the moving or relocation of the building.
(Prior Code, § 150.002)