Every fence must be constructed in a substantial manner and of substantial material, reasonably suitable for the purpose for which the fence is intended as listed in the criteria below. Any fence which is dangerous by reason of its construction or state of disrepair or is otherwise injurious to public safety, health, or welfare is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
   (A)   Fences and walls shall be constructed in a manner and of such materials that do not adversely affect the appearance of the neighborhood or adjacent property values. Fences shall not be constructed from poultry netting (chicken wire), welded wire, snow fence, branches, or materials originally intended for other purposes, unless upon the showing of a high degree of architectural quality achieved through the use of such materials, and prior approval is granted by the City Manager or designee or other authorized agent.
   (B)   Fences and walls hereafter erected shall be durable, weather resistant, rust-proof, and easily maintained.
   (C)   Fences shall have structural supports (posts/footings) as required by the Building Official.
   (D)   Fences and walls shall be constructed of new or like new materials.
   (E)   The finished appearance of fences and walls shall be constructed with the higher quality finish directed toward the exterior of the property if the visual quality of the fence or wall is not the same on both sides.
   (F)   The framing and posts of wood, chain link, picket, stockade, and decorative metal fences shall face the inside of the parcel area fenced. The side of the fence considered to be the face (facing as applied to fence posts) shall face the abutting property.
   (G)   No more than two types of related fencing materials shall be used in any fence and wall.
   (H)   Both sides of any fence or wall shall be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and appearance by its owner and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair or danger, or constitute a nuisance, public or private.
   (I)   The property owner is responsible for providing proof of property line location.
   (J)   Retaining walls shall not be placed within any drainage, utility, or ponding easements unless also reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 150.073) Penalty, see § 150.999