General Provisions
51.01 Title
51.02 Purposes and findings
51.03 Jurisdiction
51.04 Authority
51.05 Definitions
Storm Water Utility
51.15 Establishment of a storm water utility
51.16 Creation of storm water management accounting
51.17 Storm water management service charges
51.18 Billing method, responsible parties, collection
51.19 Adjustments and credits applicable to storm water management service charges
51.20 Limitations of responsibility
Storm Water Management Advisory Committee
51.30 Establishment, composition, duties and procedures
Storm Water Control and Management
51.40 Unauthorized installations causing runoff
51.41 Connection approval criteria; duty of owner; compliance by utilities
51.42 Prohibited discharges
Post-construction storm water regulations, see Chapter 52
Illicit discharge to storm water system, see Chapter 53